Page 85 of Deception

Olive finished her shower and dressed in some clean clothes. She brushed her hair and teeth. As she looked in the mirror, she looked more like herself—not like the dirty, sick girl she’d portrayed earlier.

Right as her mom and sisters got home, Olive went downstairs.

Jessie and Jules toddled toward her, their arms raised. “Sissy!”

The twins threw their arms around her, each one taking a leg.

Her sisters loved her, and Olive loved them also.

Her mom had struggled with a tough pregnancy. Olive still remembered being uncertain if the twins would make it.

They’d been born early. But two and a half years later, they were strong and lively.

“I missed you both too.” Olive wrapped her arms around them, them she looked up at her mother.

Part of her wanted to tell her mom everything. What would Mom say? Certainly, she wouldn’t be happy with Dad.

Her mom was a rule follower. She’d washed Olive’s mouth out with soap one time when she’d lied about doing her homework. She’d said that in this family, they told the truth.

Olive didn’t see how that was possible.

But, the other night, Olive had heard her mom and dad arguing. If she put her ear to the wall between their bedrooms, she could hear them talking sometimes. She didn’t usually do that.

That night, she had. She wanted to know what their raised voices were about.

Their talk hadn’t been about money. It was something about a meeting that was coming up. Her mom hadn’t wanted her dad to go.

Her dad had said everything would be fine.

Then her mom had said she was tired of moving, couldn’t they stay here a while?

Her dad’s voice had softened, and Olive hadn’t been able to make out what he said afterward.

Then her mom had cried.

She frowned at the memory.

Olive didn’t want to be the reason her parents fought. Her friend’s parents had just gotten a divorce, and now her friend was sad all the time.

Olive didn’t want to be sad like that. She didn’t want to cause her parents to split up.

She hoped her dad never asked her to beg for money again.

Next time, she’d refuse—even if she got in trouble.

“Olive . . .” Her mom studied her, tilting her head in adoration. “Don’t you look pretty?”

“Thank you.” Olive smiled despite herself.

“Did you and your dad have fun today?”

Olive opened her mouth, unsure what to say. Maybe she should tell the truth. Her mom didn’t like lies.

But then Olive would only be starting trouble.

Before she could respond, Dad appeared from the kitchen, wearing an apron and holding a spatula. He was fixing some lasagna for later.

“Hey, sweetheart.” He gave Mom a kiss on the cheek. “How was the baby shower?”