Page 79 of Deception

“They can liquidate their belongings, but it would still be difficult.” Jason frowned and shifted. “So what’s next?”

“I need to follow up with Nova and Tevin on a couple of things. I’m also very curious about Matt and the fact he used to ride a motorcycle.”

“You really think he could be the one taking pictures? Does that really make any sense?”

Olive frowned. She had issues with the theory also, especially since Motorcycle Man had shot at them. “It’s hard to say. But if Matt is in on this scheme, then maybe he’s paranoid we’ll find something and ruin everything he and his wife have set up.”

“And if he’s not?”

“And if he’s not in on this, then maybe he’s looking for evidence that Rebecca has been lying to him—or having an affair.” Olive shrugged. “It’s an angle worth pursuing at least.”

“I agree it’s worth pursuing. Do you think he’s the one who attacked you tonight?”

She didn’t have to think about it. “No. This man’s build was different. It wasn’t Matt.”

Jason frowned and ran a hand over his face. “I just never thought this case would take a dangerous turn.”

“I didn’t either. It seemed pretty cut and dried when you asked me to look into this. But there’s clearly more going on here than we ever assumed.”

“Clearly,” Jason said.

As much as Olive would love just to have some time alone with Jason, that wasn’t a possibility right now. There were too many other things going on. If this fundraiser took place on Saturday, there was a good chance a huge chunk of money would be going to Rebecca and Matt.

Instead, she grabbed her phone. “I’m going to call Nova and see if she can join us now. Maybe she has some updates. And I need to call Tevin too. I want him to look into my old house and see if anyone has lived there since my family moved out.”

Jason gave her a questioning look.

Olive shrugged. “I know the request might sound crazy, but the inside of the place looks just like my family left it. Is that normal?”

He shrugged this time. “It’s hard to say, but . . . maybe. Some people don’t care about decorating or style, so new owners may not have touched anything.”

Olive considered his words.

“You could be right,” she finally said. “But my gut tells me there’s something else going on here, and I’m dying to know what.”


Nova joined Olive and Jason a few minutes later in Olive’s hotel room. Her gaze volleyed back and forth between Olive and Jason with curiosity.

Thankfully, she didn’t ask any of the questions lingering in her eyes.

“I’m glad you asked me to come over because I have an update for you.” Nova pulled up an armchair in front of them and sat cross-legged with her laptop on her legs.

“An update sounds good.” Olive curled her legs beneath her. “What did you find out?”

“In the time since we’ve talked last, one of Rebecca’s old friends from high school called me back. She was pretty insightful. She said Rebecca always liked to make up stories.”

“What kind of stories?” Jason squinted.

“The kind that got attention. Apparently, Rebeccalovedit when all eyes were on her.”

Olive knew the type—she usually stayed away from them, however.

“Do you think she’s doing this cancer scheme just for attention?” Jason asked. “Not for money?”

The theory shouldn’t surprise Olive, but for some reason it did. Money was usually a much bigger motivator than getting noticed. But it was a possibility.

“It’s a definite maybe. Rebecca told people in high school that she met Tom Holland when her family took a trip to New York, and he asked for her number.” Nova rolled her eyes.