Page 64 of Deception

That didn’t match what Rebecca had told them.

Olive bit down before saying, “I’m so glad to hear that.”

Brad let out a breath. “Yeah, back in the day, Matt and I liked to blow off steam together whenever we could.”

This man suddenly had all of Olive’s attention. “Oh, yeah? You two golf together or something?”

Brad laughed. “No, no golfing. As a matter of fact, we used to ride together.”

“Ride together?” Olive had a feeling he wasn’t talking about horses.

“Motorcycles. We used to take long rides when we could. There’s nothing like being on the open road and feeling the wind whipping around you.”

Olive tried not to show any surprise. But she’d had no idea Matt was a motorcycle guy.

She glanced back at Brad. “I bet riding is fun. I’ve thought about trying it myself. I suppose Matt doesn’t ride much anymore, not with everything else going on.”

“No, unfortunately, he doesn’t.” Brad frowned.

Although if Matt’s wife needed money for treatments, it seemed like selling an extra vehicle might be a good solution.

“Does he still have a motorcycle?”

“I don’t really know, to be honest.” Brad shrugged. “If he’s sold it, I haven’t heard. It was a beauty, so I sure hope he didn’t.”

What was the possibility Matt was the one who’d been following her? Maybe he was checking up on Olive to make sure she was legit? Or maybe he wanted to scare them off.

If either of those possibilities were true, was Matt the one who’d shot at them? Why would he do that? It seemed extreme.

Olive wasn’t sure. But she’d definitely be thinking about this new theory more.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Olive asked Nova as they walked outside to the Jeep.

“That Matt might have something to do with this?”

“Exactly,” Olive said. “Maybe he doesn’t want us to do this documentary, and he’s trying to scare us off. Maybe he thinks we’re going to discover the truth, and he doesn’t want to blow everything.”

“It’s worth exploring.”

But . . . something was bugging Olive. “Matt really did seem grieved over everything that’s happened, didn’t he?”

“He did,” Nova agreed. “But what if Matt is grieved because he and his wife have dug themselves into a hole they can’t get out of?”

“I guess that’s a possibility,” Olive murmured. “But then there’s the whole USB drive. Why would Matt be taking pictures of his wife around town and putting them on a USB?”

“Maybe he doesn’t trust her either. Maybe there’s some infidelity going on—maybe between her and the doctor. Doesn’t that sound like a soap opera?” Nova raised her eyebrows.

“Itdefinitelysounds like a soap opera—and probably a leap. Although . . . I have to say I’ve seen stranger things happen.”

“You and me both.” Nova nodded.

They paused by the Jeep, and Nova turned toward her. “What now?”

Olive’s thoughts raced through the possibilities. “Could you go back to the hotel and look more into Matt’s background? I’m not saying he’s behind this. But Iamsaying there could be more to him than meets the eye.”

“I’m inclined to agree. I’ll get right on that. And I’ll keep trying to get in touch with some of Rebecca’s old friends too.”

“Good.” Olive nodded slowly. “Between that and Mitzi going out to dinner with the doctor tonight, maybe we can finally make some headway.”