Page 57 of Deception

Rebecca honestly seemed to be in pain.

What if this investigation wasn’t based on facts? What if Chelsea was jealous of the attention Rebecca was getting? Chelsea didn’t seem like the type, but Olive had to consider the possibility.

She pulled up to the emergency entrance of the hospital. Just like at the house, Matt opened his door before Olive had even put the Jeep in Park.

He rushed toward the entrance, grabbed a wheelchair, and hurried back toward them.

They all helped Rebecca into the chair, and then Matt wheeled her inside. Meanwhile, Olive went to find a place to park.

She wasn’t sure if they should go inside with Rebecca and Matt. But they would. Part of her hated herself for going inside to snoop instead of out of true concern.

She didn’t have a crisis of conscience very often. But she did right now.

“What do you think?” Nova asked after Olive pulled into a parking space.

How did she even answer given her inner struggle? “I’m not sure right now. Rebecca looked like she was in pain.”

“She did. And Matt looked so worried.”

“Exactly.” Olive frowned. “Maybe we’re trying to crucify an innocent person who’s truly down on her luck.”

“Let’s just keep an open mind,” Nova said. “If Rebecca is innocent, we’ll back off. She won’t have to know we’re actually investigating her.”

“Except when this documentary never comes out . . .”

“We’ll tell her the funding got pulled. It won’t be a total lie.”

Olive thought about her words before nodding. Nova was right.

But Olive still didn’t like herself at this very moment.


As soon as Olive reached the waiting room, her gaze connected with someone behind the front desk. Mitzi.

She gave Olive a look to indicate they would talk later. Maybe Mitzi had some more details for them.

Then Olive’s gaze went to Rebecca and Matt. They were seated in two chairs close to the emergency room doors. A nurse stood in front of them and took Rebecca’s vitals. Matt’s arm was stretched on the chair behind Rebecca.

She and Nova stopped a respectable distance away, trying to give them space.

“Y’all don’t have to stay.” Matt’s voice sounded dull with emotion as he glanced up at them.

“It’s true,” Rebecca said before pressing her eyes closed. “I know y’all have other things to do.”

“We hate to leave you.” Nova sounded surprisingly compassionate as she said the words, a change from her normal grumpiness.

“I’m used to this.” She let out a feeble laugh.

Silence stretched a moment.

Then Rebecca’s eyes opened, a new thought lighting her gaze. “I know the timing of this sounds weird . . . and I can’t believe I’m suggesting it. But this could be some good B roll footage for the documentary. You know what I always say—if life hands you lemons . . . I think this could be one of those times.”

Olive’s eyes grew wide also. “You want us to record this? Are you sure? I mean, the moment seems so . . . so private.”

Rebecca nodded resolutely before pressing her eyes closed in misery. “I want viewers to see exactly what I’m going through. I don’t mind if you record me. But you can’t get anybody else in the background.”

Another thought filled Olive’s mind. Rebecca had known she and Nova were meeting Matt today. What if she’d staged all this because she wanted this raw footage to make her story seem more legitimate? To pull on people’s heartstrings?