“I’ve learned that there’s only so much a person can take before they break—because there is a breaking point. It’s savage trying to handle the amount of stress this situation has caused. I wouldn’t wish it on my greatest enemy.”
As Matt continued to talk about their struggles, Olive’s gaze drifted out the window.
Her breath caught.
A man stood in the parking lot.
Not Motorcycle Man.
No . . . it was a man who looked an awful lot like the one Olive had seen meeting with her father in the parking lot that day when she was eight.
Olive had tried to put the man out of her mind during the rest of her interview.
He’d been there one minute, and he was gone the next.
Had he just been a figment of her imagination?
She wasn’t sure. And it wasn’t fair to think about that now, while she was supposed to be investigating something else.
But she would definitely be thinking about the man and why he might be in Oasis more later.
Olive knew her time with Matt was almost up. He had to get back to work. In fact, he’d already missed several phone calls, and two coworkers had stopped by to ask him questions.
After their conversation as she and Nova began to pack, Olive considered having a change of heart. This whole case was truly complex. She almost preferred something cut and dried over a case that tugged at her heartstrings.
Matt’s phone rang, and he glanced at it. “It’s Rebecca. Excuse me a minute.”
“Of course,” Olive said.
She and Nova continued to quietly pack up their equipment—the cameras, lights, and microphones.
“What?” Matt’s voice rose behind them.
Olive paused, sensing something was wrong.
“Okay, I’ll be right there.” He pulled the phone from his ear and reached into his desk drawer, pulling out his car keys. “I’ve got to go.”
“Is everything okay?” Concern rushed through Olive.
“No. Rebecca isn’t doing well, and I need to get her to the hospital.” He rushed toward the door. “She’s throwing up blood.”
“You’re in no state to drive.” Olive stepped in front of Matt. “We’ll take you.”
“You don’t have to do that.” He barely seemed to register her words. But his hands trembled so badly that his car keys tumbled to the floor.
When he tried to pick them up, he dropped them again.
“I insist.” Olive nodded at Nova.
They grabbed their things and hurried alongside Matt as he rushed down the hall.
“I need to tell my boss I’m leaving,” he muttered.
“You call him en route,” Olive told him. “You don’t need to be behind the wheel.”
Matt didn’t argue.