Page 52 of Deception

Her dad led her behind several storefronts to their car. But just as she was about to climb inside, Olive’s dad froze.

“What’s wrong, Dad?” She looked up and followed his gaze.

A man smoking a cigarette leaned against a building in the distance.

Olive squinted. She’d never seen the guy before, but he was looking right at them.

“Sweetheart, get in the car and wait for me,” Dad said. “I’ll be right back.”

She had so many questions. But she didn’t have a chance to ask any.

Her dad opened the car door and directed her inside. Then he slammed it.

She watched as he tucked in his shirt and strode across the lot toward the man.

The man straightened as her dad approached.

Olive continued to watch.

Who was that guy? Did her dad know him?

If so, how had the man known they would be here today?

Nothing made sense.

She couldn’t take her eyes off them.

Dad stopped in front of the man. The two didn’t shake hands. Instead, they stood close talking. She couldn’t hear their words, but she sensed they were talking quietly, as if sharing a secret.

What kind of secret would her dad have with this man?

Whatever it was, Olive didn’t like it. A bad feeling swirled in her gut.

Then the man handed her dad an envelope. Her dad glanced around before sliding it into his pocket.

A moment later, the two split, and her dad strode back to their car.

When he climbed inside, he offered a wide grin as if nothing had just happened. “Thanks for waiting.”

“Who was that?”

“Just an old friend.”

Olive didn’t believe that. “How did he know you’d be here today?”

“He didn’t. He just happened to see me.”

She narrowed her gaze. “If he wasn’t expecting to run into you, then why did he give you an envelope?”

Dad’s eyes widened for a fraction of a second before he chuckled. “You don’t miss anything, do you? It was a flyer he just happened to have on hand for an upcoming event. No big deal.”

“It was in an envelope.”

“You’re mistaken. It was just a folded piece of paper.” He began to whistle as he put the car into Drive and pulled away, headed home.

Her dad wasn’t telling her the truth.

That upset her. Olive knew what she saw.