For the past few months, someone had been sending her texts that implied they knew who had murdered her family eight years ago.
Yes, murdered them. If Olive had been home at the time, she’d be dead too. But she’d sneaked out that night to go to a party, which was the only reason she was alive now. Her disobedience had ultimately saved her.
The thought made her heart twist.
Her family’s killer had never been caught, but Olive was determined to change that.
And it started with figuring out who’d sent her those texts.
Olive pushed herself harder as she ran down the sidewalk, dodging several people and murmuring her apologies.
Then she turned down the alley.
She paused to catch her breath as she scanned the area.
The space was narrower and darker than she’d expected. Aside from some trash cans, the alley appeared empty.
But that didn’t mean this guy wasn’t hiding.
She squinted as she took a step forward. She couldn’t be certain if the alley stopped at a dead end or if it turned. The shadows made it difficult to determine.
She wished she could draw her gun, but she didn’t want to alarm anyone innocent who might see her.
However, the Glock was tucked beneath her jacket in case she needed it.
She peered around the first set of trash cans.
There was no one.
Then she peered around the second set.
Still no one.
Where had the guy gone? It appeared he knew his way around this area. She stashed that fact away in the back of her mind.
Then she continued forward.
Suddenly, an engine revved in the distance.
She froze.
The next instant, a man on a motorcycle charged around the corner.
Headed straight for her.
The motorcycle sped toward Olive, and she had nowhere to go.
The driver sideswiped her, nearly knocking her to the ground. Instead, she stumbled backward into the brick wall beside her.
She glanced at the motorcycle again, trying to get a glimpse of the man. But the helmet and eye shield covering the man’s face obscured his identity.
He tore onto the street, skidding as he turned. Horns sounded as if drivers had thrown on brakes to avoid hitting him.
Then he was gone.
Olive knew there was no way she could catch up with him on foot.