Page 48 of Deception

“Stay down!” Olive yelled.

As wind rushed around them, Olive gripped the steering wheel, trying to prepare herself for whatever would happen next.


Olive didn’t dare take her eyes off the road to glance at Nova.

Instead, she called, “Are you okay?”

“I think so.” Tension stretched through Nova’s voice.

“Stay down.” She gritted her teeth as she stared at the road in front of her.

Wind roared into the Jeep, and the hum of the motorcycle grew louder.

Olive stole a glance in the rearview mirror.

The motorcycle was still there—and getting closer.

“How can the guy drive the motorcycle and shoot at the same time?” Nova asked. “Doesn’t he need both hands to steer?”

“That’s a good question. One I’m not worried about answering right now.”

That headlight kept getting closer and closer.

“Oh, no, you don’t.” She floored the accelerator.

But the motorcycle was surprisingly fast. Its engine rumbled louder the faster it went.

Olive told herself not to panic, remembering all her defensive driving courses. She didn’t usually have to use the skills she’d learned. She preferred to stay under the radar while on assignment.

Apparently, that wouldn’t be happening with this case. From the moment Olive had set foot in town, she’d been a target.

“Olive . . . what are you going to do?” Nova’s voice trembled as she crouched forward, her body bouncing at the ruts in the road.

Olive glanced in the rearview mirror again.

The motorcycle was so close she could barely see the headlight any more.

What was this guy trying to do? Come up beside them and shoot?

Her lungs tightened. She couldn’t risk that.

“Stay down!” Olive shouted.

Then she threw on the brakes.

With any luck, the motorcycle would smash into them, and they could lose this guy.

But he must have been anticipating the move because he swerved beside them.

She pressed the accelerator again, knowing she needed to move.

Moving targets were always more challenging than stagnant ones.

The Jeep lurched ahead, while more flashes of gunfire pierced the darkness. Olive leaned forward, trying to make herself smaller.

The windshield shattered.