Page 44 of Deception


Nova’s eyes lit with excitement. “Well, apparently, Rebecca is estranged from her family. She and her mom haven’t talked in years.”

Olive knew there was more to that statement. “Do you think that’s relevant to this case?”

“Interestingly enough, I called Rebecca’s mom and told her I was a reporter doing a story on Rebecca.”

“Brilliant. And?”

“She told me she and Rebecca haven’t spoken in six years,” Nova said. “I asked why. She said her daughter has a lot of problems, and she was tired of being pulled into them. She also said when Rebecca moved away, it was an answer to prayer.”

“Ouch.” Olive’s eyebrows shot up again. “That’s harsh.”

“Yes, it is. But it could definitely hint that Rebecca has some issues.”

“I’d love for you to look into Rebecca’s past more. See what she was like in high school or college. Find out if there were ever any issues with her lying in the past. There’s a good chance she’s set up a pattern of deception.”

Nova nodded. “I’m on it.”

Olive nodded slowly. Maybe this information would give them a launching point for their investigation.


Olive wrapped up her conversation with Nova and stood. “It sounds like I still have more work to do.”

Nova cast her a look. “Like what?”

“First of all, I want to check out the location you traced back to this IP address.”

Nova straightened, suddenly looking interested. “You want company?”

Normally, Olive might say no. She didn’t mind working alone. But having Nova there could be helpful, especially with Motorcycle Man on the loose.

“If you’re up for it, then come on.”

She smirked. “I’ll bring my laptop with me in case we have any downtime. I’ll either work or watch cat videos.”

Nova loved her cat videos—and cat memes. Rex had to ask her to stop sending them on their professional communications.

“Very well then,” Olive finally said. “Let’s get going. I’ll drive.”

They stepped outside and went to Olive’s Jeep. She glanced around as she walked, making sure she didn’t see anyone watching her.

It appeared everything was clear, but she still had to be careful.

Just out of curiosity, she checked her wheel wells and bumper for tracking devices.

Was it paranoia? Quite possibly. But Olive preferred to think of it as being safe.

Once she felt confident no one was tracking her, she took off down the road as Nova called out directions.

The address where they were headed was toward Austin and San Antonio.

It was dark outside, which would work both in their favor and as a disadvantage. In their favor because the darkness would help conceal them, but as a disadvantage because it would be harder to see everything and keep an eye on their surroundings.

Olive had no idea what she was expecting to find. But she was curious and wanted to see the location with her own eyes.

As they left Oasis, the roads became more isolated, dotted with only the occasional farmhouse.