Page 40 of Deception

However, those texts had been sent from this area.

Suddenly, being out here didn’t feel safe.

Olive glanced around, searching for anyone who might be watching.

But the sun was setting, leaving everything bathed in gray and casting too many shadows in the trees behind the house.

Then her skin pricked. She knew that feeling.

Someone was out there, she realized. She wasn’t being paranoid.

“Who’s there?” she called.

There was no answer.

She grabbed her gun and stepped forward.

She knew the move was risky. She was exposed here.

But if someone was in those woods watching her, she wanted to know who—and why.

She took another step forward, the grass dry beneath her.

Gone were the memories of sunbathing back here and setting up a picnic with her little sisters.

This was no longer a safe place—it was a place full of danger.

Her gaze remained trained on the trees, looking for any sign of movement. Or the glint of a gun barrel. Or the whites of eyes as they watched her.

Still nothing.

Whoever was out there was hiding.

Hoping not to be found? Or hoping for a surprise attack?

Olive wouldn’t give anyone that satisfaction.

Just as she reached the edge of the woods, a stick cracked from deep within its depths.

She froze, swiveling her gun toward the noise.

Then a figure in black darted away from her through the trees.

Olive couldn’t let this guy get away.

“Stop right there!” she yelled, even though she knew it would do no good.

The man ran even faster.

In the woods, it was too shadowy to get a good look at him. She could only tell he was tall with darkish-colored hair.

She’d find out more details about him . . . when she caught him.

She continued darting between the trees, desperate to catch up with him. If she remembered correctly, this small patch of woods stretched approximately an acre or two before reaching a park at the other side.

Olive had snuck through these very trees many times to meet Jason back when she’d lived here. However, things in this area could have changed since she’d moved. She would need to be on guard, just in case.

The man sprinted behind a tree.