Page 32 of Deception

“Well, that works in our favor now,” Nova said. “Having a good memory probably always works in your favor—unless you’re holding onto any resentment or unforgiveness for people who’ve wronged you.”

Olive wanted to deny her words, but she couldn’t. Nova had hit the nail on the head.

Having a long memory could be a blessing or a curse.

Right now, Olive would focus on the blessing portion of that statement.

If Rebecca carried through with this and told everyone she was getting the bone marrow transplant next month, then Olive would have more definitive proof that the woman wasn’t telling the truth.

And that would be a blessing.


Olive dropped Nova off at the hotel.

Her colleague wanted to examine the camera, plus they’d told Rebecca they’d put together some snippets from today’s interview to share with her. She’d seemed excited, and the goodwill gesture would help them build trust.

But Olive wasn’t quite ready to return to her room yet. She had other things she wanted to do first.

After she dropped Nova off, she headed back toward town.

As she drove, she kept an eye on her rearview mirror, halfway expecting to see Motorcycle Man appear again. He didn’t.

Every time Olive thought about those cameras in Rebecca’s house, she thought about Motorcycle Man. If someone other than Rebecca had planted those cameras inside her home, he made the most sense. After all, he’d been taking candid pictures of Rebecca.

Why stop at photos when he could get videos also? Maybe this person planned on posting them online as a way of exposing Rebecca.

Olive simply wasn’t sure if the man was a friend or a foe. After all, he could have run her over on that motorcycle, but he hadn’t. Yet he was clearly up to something.

She planned on figuring out what.

She pulled into the parking lot of the local elementary school, the place Rebecca had taught first grade until six months ago. Olive imagined Rebecca was a good teacher, the kind kids really liked.

Even though Rebecca had promised to send Olive a list of people to interview, Olive wasn’t only interested in talking to those enamored with Rebecca. She wanted to talk to a wide scope of people to get their feelings on the cancer situation.

She also needed to meet with Mitzi later. Olive had texted her, and the two of them had agreed to meet in the next town over. While they were here in Oasis, they didn’t want to risk being seen together. It could seem suspicious.

Olive also had one or two other places she wanted to visit if she had time. Places from her childhood.

But that was only if she had extra time.

Right now, she strode toward the school. The kids were already out for the day, which worked in her favor since she wanted to chat with teachers and administration.

She stepped inside, knowing full well that security would probably stop her.

Who she didn’t expect to see was Sabrina Novak—Olive’s best friend when she’d lived in Oasis, and a woman she hadn’t talked to in nearly a decade.

“Olive Robinson?” Sabrina’s mouth gaped open as she stepped closer. “Is that really you?”

“Sabrina Novak?” The surprise in Olive’s voice was sincere.

So maybe coming here to the schoolhadn’tbeen a good idea. But Olive hadn’t known Sabrina worked here—at least that was what she assumed since her old friend wore a name badge with the school’s name on it.

Sabrina had always been pretty, but she looked even more beautiful with age. Her blonde hair was long and straight, her cheekbones high, and her figure youthful. Back in high school, she’d always been insecure about how she dressed—her family hadn’t had a lot of money—and because her skin was acne prone.

Now her skin was as smooth as porcelain and her clothes new and stylish.

“What in the world are you doing here?” Sabrina let out a squeal before running toward Olive and throwing her arms around her.