Page 30 of Deception

In reality, Olive’s gaze was drawn to a small device perched on the corner of a black picture frame. She’d spotted it and suspected she knew what it was. But she wanted to be sure.

It was a camera.

The question was, had someone left the device there to spy on Rebecca? Or had Rebecca left it there to spy on them?


The interview with Rebecca was inspiring and touching—all the things someone doing a documentary could want.

But what if everything Rebecca told them was a lie?

Olive tried to push that thought to the back of her mind, which had been harder to do after she’d spotted three more cameras set up in the woman’s house.

Something wasdefinitelygoing on. Was Rebecca paranoid about break-ins? Was she into voyeurism? Or were these nanny cams?

Or was someone else trying to capture her deceit?

By two o’clock, Rebecca seemed notably tired. Her motions were slower, her eyes droopy, and her enthusiasm lacking.

Olive knew they needed to wrap up this interview.

She closed her notepad. “I can tell you’re exhausted. We can finish this at another time.”

Rebecca offered a weak smile. “If you don’t mind, that would be great. I’m sorry I don’t have as much energy as I used to.”

“It’s understandable.” Faking cancer was probably exhausting.

Then Olive reminded herself to keep an open mind. She couldn’t operate on assumptions, or she’d never find the truth.

Just then, Rebecca’s phone rang. She glanced at the screen and a flicker of emotion passed through her gaze. Was that fear? Dread? Anxiety?

Olive wasn’t sure.

“If you could excuse me for a moment.” Rebecca rose and paced into the kitchen.

When she was gone, Olive quickly whispered to Nova, telling her about the cameras.

Nova’s eyes widened.

Before she could respond, Rebecca’s voice drifted from the kitchen.

“I know!” Rebecca’s words were muffled but angry. “Get off my case.” Pause. “Don’t call me again.” Another pause.

Then silence.

A few seconds later, Rebecca reappeared from the kitchen, a forced smile on her face. “Sorry about that. I still have a few bills I’m trying to pay off, and those debt collectors are relentless!”

Was that really what that phone call had been about? Her excuse seemed viable.

Olive had no way of knowing. But her gut told her Rebecca was lying to them.

Rebecca paused in front of them, still smiling softly. “You’re still coming to the fundraising event on Saturday, aren’t you? And we can play a clip of our interview?”

“That’s the plan,” Olive said.

“I’m so glad to hear that.” Rebecca grinned broadly then paused. “Is there anything else you need from me today?”

“Today? No. But I’d love to interview Matthew in the next day or two if you think he’d be up for that.”