Chelsea’s frown deepened, and she rubbed at an imaginary spot on her jeans. “It brings me no pleasure to say any of this.”
“I understand.”
“But I can’t sit back and stay silent if Rebecca is swindling good people with big hearts out of their hard-earned money. We’d be supporting her as she works hard to make her fake life believable. How absurd is that?”
For once, Olive wished she really was making a documentary . . . because that line would sell the entire feature to viewers wide and far.
“I met Rebecca and Matt at church.” Chelsea ran her hands over her jeans again as if nervous. “We’re in the same Sunday school class. It’s for young married couples with kids.”
“Is it a large church?”
“About five hundred people.”
Olive’s gaze drifted to Henry as he continued to play with his car. Another pang she couldn’t identify hit her.
She turned back to Chelsea. “What’s Rebecca like?”
“Enigmatic is the best word to describe her,” Chelsea said. “Everyone loves Rebecca. Even when she was diagnosed with cancer, she still brought food to people after they had a baby or when they were sick or lost a loved one. She led the children’s choir at Christmas. She was—is—quite the force to be reckoned with.”
“I can see that.” Olive crossed her legs as they continued. “Do you remember when she was diagnosed with cancer?”
“I do. We were all devastated.” Chelsea shook her head, the conversation clearly weighing on her. “Rebecca was so transparent about everything that it was touching. She walked us through all her struggles, and she had this amazing faith. I mean, she really was an inspiration. I would have fallen to pieces if I’d gotten that news, but she was so strong.”
“When did you start getting suspicious she may not be telling the truth?”
Chelsea blew out a breath. “I guess my doubts started as admiration. I mean, Rebecca was always so positive despite what happened. She also always looked good. My sister-in-law—my husband’s brother’s wife—had cancer, and during chemo she lost some teeth, she got scabs on her face, her hair fell out, and she had no energy.”
“Did you wonder if Rebecca’s body was simply responding differently to treatment?” Olive waited to see how the question would be taken.
“Maybe. That’s what I told myself at least. But then Rebecca supposedly had a bone marrow transplant. Two days later, her family went to Disney World.” A wrinkle formed on her brow, and she shook her head in disgust.
“Okay . . .” Olive waited for her to continue.
“She rode the rides! You can’t do that so soon after having a procedure like she had.” Chelsea’s voice rose with emotion.
Her observation had been astute. “I can see why that would make you suspicious.”
“Once the idea was in my head, everything started falling into place, including the fact that she never lost her eyebrows. That’s when I knew for sure that something was up. Her story just didn’t make sense.”
“Come again?” Olive said.
Fire lit in Chelsea’s gaze. “Rebecca lost her hair—even though it grew right back very quickly. However, she never lost her eyebrows. That’s not how chemo works.”
“Good observation.” Olive had to admit she was impressed. Those small details were generally the most important.
“But how could I even confront this issue? If I was wrong, then I’d be the biggest jerk in the whole world.”
“It’s definitely a hard position to be in. Your husband is a cop. What did he say?”
“He said lying isn’t a crime. He said his hands were tied.” She paused. “I’m not 100 percent sure he believes me even.”
“That’s a tough place to be in.” Olive licked her lips before asking, “How much money have you given Rebecca?”
“Ten thousand dollars.” Chelsea’s cheek twitched as if it pained her to say the words.
Olive’s eyebrows shot up. “That’s a lot.”