Monty opened the door and indicated Olive’s time was up.
That was fine because she had nothing left to say to Rebecca. Part of her didn’t even feel sorry for the woman. She’d dug her own grave.
Sure, everything had blown up. But that didn’t change the fact that Rebecca had swindled innocent people out of their hard-earned funds.
Now, as Olive had told Rebecca, it was up to the court to decide what kind of justice she’d face.
That evening, Olive and Jason met at their favorite park—the one where they’d come when they were teenagers. The place where they first declared their love for each other.
So many memories flooded her, especially as she watched the sun set across the lake there.
They sat on a bench and watched the sky turn colors.
“I heard that all the money raised for the fundraiser is being given back to the people who donated,” Jason said quietly. “If they don’t want the funds back, it will go to a local cancer society.”
“That’s good to know at least. But there’s still been so much damage done . . .”
“You’re right. But at least we put an end to it.Youput an end to it.”
She reached over and squeezed his hand. “You definitely helped. Besides, we looked into all this because of you.”
“I’m glad I could help.”
Olive let out a breath, heavy thoughts still lingering in her mind. “I still don’t know who that man was at my old house. But I don’t think he had anything to do with this case.”
“You think he had something to do with you? Your family?”
She considered what to say. Jason still didn't know all the details.
“My dad was up to some pretty dirty things—I’m still not sure what exactly. Even though more than eight years have passed since he died, that doesn’t mean his actions didn’t have long-lasting effects.”
Jason glanced at her and squinted. “So you think someone from your dad’s past has been watching you? That they followed you here, just waiting for you to go inside that house so they could attack?”
Olive hesitated another moment. “Honestly, I’m not sure. I still haven’t put all the pieces together.”
Then she told him about the text messages she’d received and the note reading “Like father, like daughter” that had been left for her at the house.
Jason grimaced. “I don’t like the sound of that.”
“I don’t either. But something from my dad’s past is still following me today. I need to figure out what.”
“I get that. I just don’t want to see you hurt in the process.” Concern filled his voice.
“Believe me, getting hurt isn’t my goal. But I have no idea exactly what’s in store.”
Another moment of silence passed as the sun sank deeper on the horizon.
Olive didn’t let go of Jason’s hand. It was a simple gesture, yet the action wasn’t full of promises she couldn’t keep.
“What’s next for you, Olive?” Jason asked.
She let out a deep breath. “Another assignment, I suppose. I’m heading back to Indianapolis after this, and I’ll see what Rex has waiting for me.”
“You ever get any time off?”
“I guess I would if I asked for it. But I usually don’t have much to do so I prefer working.”
“I see.” Disappointment tinged Jason’s tone.