Just then, the door burst open.
Jason stood there, gun in hand and poised to shoot. “I wouldn't do that if I were you.”
Jason . . . thank goodness he was here.
Olive tried to steady her breathing, but she couldn’t seem to get a good breath as she watched the situation play out.
What happened in the next few seconds would determine one of their fates. One wrong move could have devastating consequences.
“Put the gun down,” Jason said, his voice deep and gravelly.
“You put the gun down,” Ellis said, sweat pouring from his face. “Or I’m going to shoot her. Don’t test me.”
“You don't want to shoot Mitzi,” Jason said. “It’s not going to end well for you. I assure you of that. Because as soon as you pull that trigger on Mitzi, I’m going to pull the trigger on you.”
Ellis froze as if considering his words.
The man had to know he was trapped. He couldn’t win in this situation. He was smart enough to hear the truth in Jason’s words.
Finally, Ellis muttered another curse.
Olive watched as he rose. Slowly, he put the gun on the floor.
Then he stood to full height and raised his hands in the air.
As he did, the cops flooded into the room, taking over the scene.
Olive finally let out the breath she’d been holding.
Maybe this was now finally over.
Olive sat in an office at the police station. She and Jason had already been questioned separately.
Olive had been honest about what was going on when she spoke with the detective assigned to the case. She’d told him she was a PI who’d been hired to look into things. Told him about the evidence she’d found.
He’d grunted and taken notes.
Meanwhile, Mitzi was taken to the hospital. One of her ribs may have been fractured, and she was dehydrated. But she would be okay. Before the ambulance took her away, she told them that, while on her date with Dr. Peters, she’d felt a prick in her neck.
He’d drugged her.
When she’d awakened, she’d been tied up in that warehouse. Ellis was there, and he’d had his guys rough her up as they tried to get more answers from her.
She hadn’t given them anything.
Nova had gone to the hospital with her.
As Olive had waited in the office, she called Rex and gave him the update also.
Where was Jason? She wondered. What was taking so long to question him?
Finally, the door opened, and Jason stepped inside.
Without thinking, Olive ran toward him and pulled him into a hug.
His arms enveloped her as he pulled her close.
For a moment, Olive felt safe—a feeling she liked a little too much.