Page 121 of Deception

“He told me to come alone. We can’t all three show up.” Plus, no matter how good Nova might be at cosplay, there were some situations that even playacting and lumpia couldn’t solve.

Nova frowned. “So what do you want to do?”

“I need you to stay here and keep researching, looking into those financials and those accounts where the money is being sent. I can’t help but feel like we’re going to find some answers there.”

“I can do that,” Nova said.

Olive turned to Jason. “And I’d like for you to come with me. I need you to stay close, but out of sight, just in case I need backup.”

He looked as if he wanted to argue, but then he nodded. “Okay.”

She took a step away from Chelsea. “We need to run. We don’t have much time.”

“Let me know what I can do,” Chelsea said. “I’ll be at the fundraiser. I can talk to the woman who’s organizing it if you want.”

“That’s a great idea,” Olive said. “You do that. Thank you.”

“Be careful,” Chelsea said.

“You too.”


Olive and Jason talked through all the different scenarios that might be taking place as they drove.

She’d already looked up the address, and it appeared to be an old warehouse.

Ofcourse, it was an old warehouse. It could never be somewhere high-class and safe.

She pulled up right on time. She’d dropped Jason off a block ago, and he’d walk the rest of the way in case anyone was watching—and they most likely were.

Olive checked her gun.

But whoever was waiting for her would probably take it away from her.

She had another one strapped to her ankle. They’d probably find that one too.

She also had a knife up her sleeve, just in case.

She needed to be prepared for whatever might happen. But that was nearly impossible. There were too many unknowns.

She stared at the building, which appeared empty.

This person who’d sent the text was probably waiting inside for her.

She drew in a deep breath, again wishing she had a God she could pray to for safety and protection. She found herself hoping for that more and more lately. She needed to forget the idea. It would only end with disappointment.

Then she remembered being at her old house. She’d prayed there, and Jason had shown up.

Maybe she shouldn’t dismiss the idea after all.

She stepped toward the door and jerked it open.

Darkness stared back at her.

Olive took her first step inside.

As soon as she did, a black bag came down over her head and arms clamped her limbs in place.