“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Rebecca narrowed her gaze. “I don’t want anything to do with this documentary anymore. I want you to get out of here.” She sliced her hand through the air and then pointed at the door. “Now.”
Unfortunately for Rebecca, Olive wasn’t quite ready to go.
Instead, she turned her gaze on Matt. “We also learned, by accident, that you’ve been keeping a motorcycle at Ellis and Sabrina’s house.”
Rebecca’s eyes widened as she turned to her husband. “What is she talking about? You sold that motorcycle. That’s what you told me.”
Matt’s face flushed. “I couldn’t bring myself to sell it. I love it so much. It’s one of the few things that still brings me joy. That and you and Willow, of course.”
“So you lied to me?” Outrage laced Rebecca’s voice.
Apparently, the scammer didn’t like to be scammed. Seemed a little poetic to Olive.
Matt stood silently, not saying anything.
“There’s more to it than that, isn’t there, Matt?” Olive finally said. “Are you the one who’s been trying to run me over?”
“Run you over?” He narrowed his gaze. “Why would I do that?”
“Someone’s been coming after me ever since I got to town. Then I found out you had a motorcycle and . . . maybe there’s a reason you didn’t want us doing this documentary? Maybe you were afraid we would find out too much about you?”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” he snapped. “I haven’t ridden in months. And I definitely wouldn’t try to run someone over. It would damage my bike too much—plus, I’d never want to hurt someone.”
“Physically, you mean?” Olive shot back. “Because you two have hurt a lot of people with this scheme of yours.”
Neither said anything.
Olive looked back at Rebecca. “We also know that man you met with in the green Mercedes isn’t actually your cousin.”
Rebecca’s eyes grew even more narrow. “Why in the world would you say that?”
Rebecca still wasn’t giving up the truth yet. Olive wasn’t sure if she admired that or thought the woman was an idiot for it.
“Because it’s true,” Olive started.
Rebecca’s nostrils flared as she scowled at Olive. “I want you to get out of my house. Now.”
Olive knew she wasn’t going to get any more information right now. She grabbed her bag. As she did, she glanced at the side table near the front door.
A pile of mail lay there, and stuck between the envelopes were some photos.
Of Willow.
Had someone else volunteered to take family pictures for the Hansens?
Olive didn’t think so. They didn’t look staged.
There were photos of Willow on the playground. Walking down the sidewalk
“I said get out!” Rebecca yelled.
“On our way,” Olive murmured.
Just as she stepped out the door, Rebecca looked at them, a new emotion in her gaze. “You need to drop this. Now.”
Was that fear in her voice?
Olive thought it just might be.