“And that’s the reason why I’m telling you this over the phone right now. I am afraid if Matt and Rebecca realize that I’m skeptical they might want to silence me also . . . permanently.”
Olive thanked the woman on the other line and then the call ended.
But she couldn’t get the woman’s words out of her head.
Because she very well could be right.
However, right now, they had to get to Matt and Rebecca’s. They were supposed to film them getting ready for the fundraiser. Then they were supposed to head over to the fundraiser itself to get some footage.
She grabbed her things and headed downstairs. She met the rest of the crew there. Jason was going to talk to Chelsea and see if she could get more information out of Monty.
Then he added, “Listen, Chelsea called early this morning. She didn’t want to wake you, so she called me instead.”
“Is there an update on that nurse?”
“Apparently, the police are still trying to figure out who owns that property,” Jason said. “But when they got on the scene, the cameras were off. The cops don’t know that someone was watching Rebecca and Matt.”
“How did these people know to kill the feed?” Olive asked.
“That’s an excellent question.”
Olive only had one theory—what if there were cameras in the cellar? What if someone had seen them down there?
It was the only thing that made sense.
But she didn’t like the thought of that.
Because that would mean the killer knew Olive and Jason were onto him.
And these people didn’t respect human life. They acted like people were disposable.
She swallowed hard.
Finally, she said, “We should get going. We don’t want to be late.”
When Olive saw Rebecca, she knew something was wrong. The woman didn’t look nearly as cheery as usual. Nor did Matt, who stood behind her with his arms crossed and a vein bulging at his temple.
“Can we still come in?” Olive asked, uncertain about the change.
Rebecca opened the door but didn’t say anything.
Olive exchanged glances with Nova as they stepped inside.
Before they could even ask any more questions or say anything, Rebecca started. “I had an interesting conversation yesterday with Georgina.”
Olive’s heart beat harder. Had the neighbor seen her hiding in the bushes? “Is that right?”
“She said that while I was in the hospital she saw someone collecting my mail for me. The girl with dark hair with purple tips who operated the camera during her interview.” Rebecca glared at them. “The problem is I didn’t ask you guys to come over and get my mail for me. So why were you looking through my mailbox?”
This was the moment where Olive needed to decide how to proceed. It could make or break the investigation. But she knew it was time to confront Rebecca and Matt.
Olive leveled her gaze with Rebecca as she said, “We know you’ve been scamming people. Nova and I have noticed that things don’t add up. For that reason, we’ve been concerned we’re going to be complicit in your fraud.”
Rebecca narrowed her eyes, all signs of friendliness gone. “You’ve been investigating me this whole time?”
Olive wasn’t ready to admit she was a PI. For now, she’d stick with her cover story. “We’ve been searching for the truth. What we hoped would be a nice feel-good story about people doing nice things for those in the community has been turned on its head.”