Page 113 of Deception

Had Maria, the housekeeper, also been killed for that very reason?

If that was the case, then the only culprits who could be responsible were Matt and Rebecca.

But Olive still had trouble reconciling their image to them being killers.

Letting out a heavy sigh, she glanced at the road behind her. It was clear—no one appeared to be following them.

She could be thankful about that, she supposed.

But things still weren’t making as much sense as she’d like.

Just as Olive had promised, when they were halfway back, she used a burner phone she carried in her purse to call the police. She disguised her voice—she was fairly good at accents—to report what had been found.

After she’d given all the information, she ended the call before the operator could ask any more questions.

Then she tried to call Mitzi. There was no answer.

Olive frowned. Was she with the doctor again?

Olive left a message, asking her colleague to give her a call back.

But the bad feeling continued to simmer inside her.

At the hotel, Olive, Jason, and Nova gathered in her room to share their new information.

Nova’s eyes widened with surprise at all the new details that had emerged. “I can’t believe this.”

“We can’t either,” Olive said. “I never thought murder would be involved—even though the housekeeper’s death seemed pretty suspicious.”

Nova leaned back in her chair and nodded. “Well, I’ve been busy also. I’ve been trying to put together the video for tomorrow’s fundraiser—just in case it still happens.”

Olive’s phone rang, and she glanced at the screen. It was Chelsea.

She answered, putting it on speaker. “Hey, Chelsea. I’m here with Jason and one of my coworkers.”

“Oh, good,” Chelsea said. “I’m glad I could catch you together.”

“What’s going on?” Olive asked.

“Monty told me the cops were called to a shack on the outskirts of town. They got there and found a dead body.” She paused. “I know I probably shouldn’t be telling you this, but I have to. The dead body belonged to a nurse . . . and I’m pretty sure it was one of the nurses who was taking care of Rebecca.”

“We know,” Olive said. “Unfortunately, we were the ones to discover it and call it in anonymously. Do you know if the police have any suspects in mind? Or if they know who that place belongs to?”

“I know they’re working on it now. If I learn more, I’ll let you know.”

“Thanks,” Olive said. “I appreciate that.”

They ended the call with Chelsea.

Nova glanced at Olive and Jason, shaking her head. “There’s no way Rebecca and Matt are going to walk away from this unscathed. But I don’t understand the cameras monitoring their house.”

“I’m not sure I understand that either,” Olive said. “But we’re close to figuring it out. I can feel it in my bones.”

Nova rose. “I’m going to keep working. Let me know if you hear any updates.”

“Will do.”

As she left, it was only Olive and Jason.