Page 108 of Deception

“So whose bike is that? Yours?”

“Oh no. Not mine.” Sabrina let out a brittle laugh. “We’re actually keeping it here for Matt.”

Olive’s eyebrows shot up. “For Matt? Does he not have room in his garage?”

Sabrina lowered her voice. “The truth is, he told Rebecca he’d sell it. I guess they needed the money, you know? But he just couldn’t bring himself to do it. Apparently, he put a lot of money and sweat equity into fixing this beauty up. It was a piece of junk when he bought it.”

“That’s nice you let him keep it here. It’s just too bad he can’t ride it.”

Sabrina swiped her hand through the air. “Oh, he still rides it. Sometimes he’ll come over on his lunch break just so he can take a quick ride. We gave him the code to get into the garage so he can come and go as he wants.”

Olive’s heart pounded harder at her words.

She remembered what Matt’s coworker said—about how Matt had liberal leave for his wife’s sickness. About how Matt had told Rebecca his boss was giving him a hard time.

What if Matt was using that as an excuse? Meanwhile, he was secretly sneaking out and taking joy rides to blow off steam—or something else more nefarious?

It was looking more and more like Matt was their guy. That he might be Motorcycle Man.

But, if that was true, Olive still had a lot of questions that needed answers.


“That was revealing,” Olive said when she and Jason climbed back into his Range Rover after dinner.

“The beach house and the motorcycle, huh? That could be some decent evidence, for sure.” Jason started the engine but didn’t put the vehicle in Drive. “It was good to see Sabrina and Ellis. They seem to be doing well for themselves.”

“Yes, they do.” Olive blew out a breath. “We should go check in with Nova. Then I want to go back to that shack and see what we can find out.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

If Olive were being honest with herself, she’d admit she was glad Jason was here. She didn’t want to bring Nova with her and put her in potential danger. But having backup was always nice.

They reached the hotel and went to Nova’s room, where they filled her in on their dinner meeting.

“I’m going to call you guys Mr. and Mrs. Smith,” Nova murmured as she sat on the couch with her legs crossed beneath her and her computer on her lap. “I found something also. That car we were following—the one Rebecca’s cousin drove? It’s strange, but the vehicle is actually owned by a company.”

Olive sucked in a breath. “What company?”

“That’s the thing—it’s like a shell corporation. I can’t find any information on it. Weird, huh?”

Another shell corporation? Olive mused. That had to be a coincidence. Her dad couldn’t be connected with this case.

However, the commonality bothered her.

“That’s too bad,” Olive murmured.

“Also, I managed to get some financial records,” Nova continued. “The problem is there could be other accounts that I’m unaware of. I’m still working on that.”

“Did you see anything in the bank statements you found?”

“A few things were interesting. There have definitely been some large payments going out. But it’s weird because the funds have been transferred to an overseas account labeled ‘Medical Bills.’ However, just because that’s the way it’s labeled doesn’t mean that’s actually what it is.”

“So Rebecca and Matt set up a Swiss bank account or something?” Olive clarified.

“That’s the harder part to uncover. I’m trying to find a name linked with the account. But whoever owns it knows how to bury their information. I’m still working on it, however.”

Olive pictured Rebecca and Matt setting up a secret overseas account and putting the money people gave them into it. They could say they were paying medical bills from it, but they were secretly pocketing that cash.