He quirked an eyebrow. “Willow’s room? What would he be doing in there?”
“I have no idea. I think he took something, but whatever it was, it was small enough to fit in his pocket.”
His jaw thumped. “That is strange.”
“I did, however, get photos of Rebecca’s medicines. I’m going to send them to Rex.
He has connections in the medical field who can answer some questions for us—faster than we can research this.”
As she talked, Olive sent the pictures to Rex. He immediately replied and said he’d try to have some answers by tomorrow.
Olive took a minute to examine the labels herself.
She hadn’t had a chance to read the fine print when she was taking the photos. She was in too big of a hurry.
But most of the names of the medications meant nothing to her.
And many of the dates on these bottles were expired. A couple were for Matt.
“Well?” Jason asked.
“My gut tells me some of these bottles are just smoke and mirrors, props used in the background of Rebecca’s TikTok videos to make herself look legitimately sick.”
Jason let out a grunt. “If that’s what she’s doing, it’s disgusting.”
“I agree.” She let out a sigh. “We should probably go.”
They were supposed to meet Sabrina and Ellis for dinner at six. That only left them an hour and a half. They still needed to change and get ready.
Maybe this dinner was a bad idea, especially with so many other things going on. But Olive’s gut told her not to cancel. She couldn’t help but think that Sabrina might know something useful. After all, their old friend had been watching Willowandshe was helping with the fundraiser. She could be a wealth of information.
But they wouldn’t be able to stay long. They had too many other things to do. Plus, Sabrina and Ellis had something else on their schedule as well.
Maybe she and Jason would discover something new, something that would move this investigation forward.
“Why do I feel nervous?” Olive didn’t mean to ask the question out loud, but she did.
Jason stole a glance at her as he drove down the road a couple of hours later. “Revisiting the past isn’t always all fun and games.”
“What are we going to tell Sabrina? What reason did you give her that we’d both be in town?”
“I just told her we’d reconnected, and I thought it would be fun to visit you while you were doing the documentary since it was our old stomping ground. She didn’t seem to think anything of it.”
Olive let out a breath. “Okay. That sounds good.”
She did feel better, but nerves still thrummed through her.
“Hey . . .” Jason looked at her again. “I wasn’t trying to make you feel weird about doing this. I’m sorry if I did.”
Olive shook her head. “I don’t feel weird about having dinner with them. It just feels weird to be back, like I’m visiting a different time in my life.”
“I get that.” Jason opened his mouth as if he wanted to ask more questions, but then he closed it again.
There was still so much Jason didn’t know—especially about her father. In general, it was better that way. She wanted to keep things simple.
They finally pulled up to Sabrina’s house.
The place was nicer than Olive expected. Two stories with white brick, black window frames, and a black tin roof—a high-end blend of modern and rustic. Two BMWs were parked in the driveway.