She glanced at the screen. But before she could read the words, she heard car doors slamming. Voices drifted from outside.
Olive scanned her texts and confirmed her fear.
Matt and Rebecca were home early.
Olive typed back:
Which door are they headed toward?
Jason answered:
The front.
Olive sprinted toward the back of the house. If Matt and Rebecca came inside right now, they’d see her at the back door.
But she was going to have to take the chance.
Though she was cutting it close, she quietly slipped outside.
First obstacle: conquered.
She wasn’t out of the woods yet, however.
Olive remained low as she ducked to the side of the house—the side opposite the driveway.
She’d have to time this just right in order to get back to Jason’s vehicle before Matt and Rebecca saw her.
With any luck, Matt would help Rebecca inside and get her settled.
That would give Olive the perfect opportunity to get away.
For now, she waited near the corner of the house, thankful the family didn’t have a fence. Still, she prayed no one saw her standing here because she knew she looked suspicious. It would be hard to explain away her presence.
She was counting on Jason to be her eyes.
He sent another text:
Going to the front porch now.
From her position near the corner, Olive heard Rebecca and Matt talking. Nothing about what they said sounded suspect. Matt told Rebecca to be careful. To watch her step.
Just like any doting husband might say when bringing his wife home from the hospital.
Except there was no one here to hear their conversation. So were they faking it because faking had become natural to them? Or because something really was wrong with Rebecca?
Olive couldn’t be sure.
She still heard them on the porch. They were taking their time getting inside.
Her muscles wound tighter.
Then Olive heard another door slam—but not Matt and Rebecca’s.
She glanced over and saw Georgina step out onto her porch.
Her stomach sank.