“I get to meet Ryker’s friend gang,” Leslie said. “I’ve heard about them, but this will be my first time meeting in person. They’re all coming over here to hang out.”
“And to meet my girlfriend,” Ryker said.
He couldn’t explain how significant the evening felt. Maybe it had to do with their unanimous caution toward Jacqueline. Did he need their approval? Not exactly. But he wanted them to see his happiness with Leslie. He wanted them to know he was truly healed and healing, that they no longer needed to keep an eye on his romantic wellbeing.
“I hope they like me.” Leslie smiled, but her eyes held a metallic cast of worry.
“Of course they will,” Dad said. “You’re clearly good for this one here”—he nodded at Ryker—“and you’re a great conversationalist too.”
As usual, she had no idea what to do with a compliment. She ducked her head a bit, but the smile grew. “Well, um, thank you, Laurence.”
Then Leslie went statue-still. Vampire-still. When she lifted her head, a single silver tear rolled down her cheek, though her eyes were shining.
Ryker reached across the table to brush the tear away with his thumb. “What is it?”
“I just saw…” she whispered.
“You saw what?” Ryker said.
“A baby. Someday we’re going to have a baby, Ryker. You and me.”
Mama gave a tiny cry, leaped up from her chair, and threw her arms around Leslie right where she sat. Leslie was pulled all the way to her feet for a good long Senna Maddox hug.
“Are you sure?” Dad said. It was a ridiculous thing to say, but sometimes Dad’s thoughts poured out of his mouth when he was overwhelmed. Ryker understood in the face of news like this.
“I saw it,” Leslie said around Mama’s arm, still engulfed in her hug.
“Boy or girl?” Ryker might as well know now, even if they didn’t have the child for a few more decades.
“I don’t know. I saw him or her…wrapped in an ivory blanket…in your arms. And I knew you were holding our little one.”
“We’re going to have a grandchild.” Dad’s voice turned husky.
“You were in the room with us; I didn’t see you, but I sensed you there.”
Mama finally released Leslie and stepped back. Her eyes were nearly pure gold. “Thank you. Thank you so much. I’ve wished for this.”
His parents stayed another hour. The conversation never waned, but Ryker couldn’t stop mulling the life-altering news, bristling a little that he didn’t get a timeline to plan by. Which was kind of stupid. Against all odds where vampire fertility was concerned, he would someday be a father.
He’d take a page from Leslie’s book. He didn’t need a timeline. Most vampire children were conceived after their parents had been together at least ten years, and he wasn’t ready to be a dad today anyway. And of course it would be up to Leslie, whenever she wanted to plan and try.
Still, all evening his mind kept drifting toward the promise of it. Someday.
When his parents at last drove off down the street, he shut the door and darted across the room to scoop Leslie off her feet and spin around the room with her. She leaned back in his arms like a kid on a swing.
Then they snuggled on the couch, and he tried to figure out if it was too late ever to ask the question filling his head.
“You’ve got your curious face on,” she said.
“My what?”
“You get a little crinkle right here.” She pointed between her eyes.
“I’m not sure it’s a fair question now.”
“Did you want to be a dad? Before tonight, I mean?”
Of course they could still talk about it. Knowing their future didn’t cancel the importance of knowing Leslie’s thoughts and feelings. “I guess you figured out that’s what I wanted to ask you.”