Page 72 of How a Vampire Falls

“So I guess this is Leslie,” came a satin baritone from the sidelines.

Ryker leaped to his feet, still cradling her. He set her beside him but kept his arm around her waist. She did the same, and her voice was at its fullest when she said, “And this must be Tai.”

Tai was already barefoot and clad in athletic ware—black pants and an ocean-blue shirt. His eyes were surprisingly not a variety of green, blue, or purple but instead nearly colorless, shiny likepolished metal. His hair was neat and so deeply black, under the gym lights it looked almost blue.

He stepped onto the mat and held out his hand to her. “It’s really good to meet you.”

“Same. Ryker thinks the world of you.”

That made him smile, and his platinum eyes gained a higher gloss. “It’s mutual.”

“I’m glad.”

Tai turned to Ryker, and the two men hugged, complete with a solid pound to the other’s back.

“Congratulations on Angstrom,” Tai said.

Ryker cocked one blond eyebrow. “Did I name names?”

“Nope.” Tai smirked.

“Wait,” Leslie said. “Frederick Angstrom? The fraudster scammer millionaire who got indicted like twenty-six times including on felony charges?”

“Um…” Ryker said. “Well.”

“It’s been all over the news. Nationally. Internationally, probably.” She turned to Tai, who shrugged, then back to Ryker. “The case that’s had you tied in knots—you were working against Frederick Angstrom?”

Ryker lowered his voice. “It’s not public knowledge at this time.”

Right. And unlike her typical day at home, she was not surrounded by humans right now. She glanced around. No one else was near, and she tried to tune into various conversations across the gym to determine if anyone might have overheard her. The voices were so faint, she had to work to decipher every other word. Her shoulders relaxed. No one could have accidentally picked up on what she’d said. They’d have to be listening already.

“Sorry,” she said. “I’m not used to the less-privacy thing.”

“I’m sorry too,” Tai said. “It’s going into the public record, so I figured it was safe to comment on now.”

“It probably is, but let’s drop it for now. I’m not in the mood to be approached because a random vampire journalist overheard and wants a quote from ‘an unnamed person inside the investigation.’”

“Has that happened to you before?” she said.

“Rarely, but yeah.” Ryker stabbed a finger in Tai’s direction. “I’d like to know how you even know about it this early.”

“Wouldn’t you?” Another smirk.

Ryker rolled his eyes. “This only motivates me to wipe the mat with you.”

“Let’s see you try.”

“Oh, this is going to be good,” Leslie said.

Tai made a sweeping gesture with one arm. “Do you two want to go again first?”

Ryker said, “Up to Leslie. I’m happy to fight either of you.”

She chuckled at his playful smugness, then shrugged. “There’s time for both, right?”

“Sure, if you want.”

“Then I’ll delay my further losses. Now that I’ve given it a try, I’m more curious to see y’all.”