Page 58 of How a Vampire Falls

Minutes later he turned in to the parking lot of Slake It Off, and Leslie gave a surprised little gasp.

“It’s out in the open. I mean, don’t humans driving by knowslakeis one of our words?”

He nodded, beyond talking now.

Leslie glanced at him, then gave him a second, softer look. She twined her fingers with his and gave a gentle tug. “Come on. Let’s take care of you.”

He squeezed her hand tightly, and she squeezed back, and then they went inside. The smell of the place hit him so hard, his fangs pressed his gums for a moment as his mouth watered. His brain was overrun with a single word that blared in his head like a siren—thirst thirst thirst thirst—and Leslie’s reaction didn’t help. Her nostrils flared, and she went still for a moment.

“Wow,” she whispered.

He tugged her hand, and Leslie let him take the lead straight to the bar.

Behind the counter stood one of his favorite people, and Ryker silently thanked the universe it was her. Claire beelined to him, knowing from his silver eyes or from knowing him too well.

“Got distracted?” she said.

Ryker nodded.

“No worries, I’ve got you.”

She went to the row of fridges against the far wall and opened a blood bag. At the breaking of the seal, Ryker took hold of the edge of the counter. Better not to spring over it and snatch the bag from Claire’s hand. She poured the contents into a wine glass—flawlessly, artfully out of habit. Leslie watched with wide eyes as Claire set the brimming glass in front of Ryker.

Then the glass was at his lips, and he was gulping, gulping, gulping. His gums ached momentarily as his fangs descended. The familiar salty tang filled his mouth, and his throat opened, and his entire body relaxed as the thirst began to fade. He couldn’t hold in the low groan of relief. When the glass was drained, he set it on the bar and tried to hide how his hand was shaking.

“Ryker?” Leslie said.

Shoot. She’d seen. He held out his hand, and she took it between hers as if she could will the trembling away. “I’m okay. The shaking stops within a minute or two.”

“You’ve done this to yourself often.”

“A few times,” he said, then turned to Claire, who watched him with real care despite the perpetual frost in her eyes. “Thanks, Claire.”

“Sure. I wish you’d quit this habit though.”

“No reason to have that conversation again.”

“Fine. I’d rather meet your girlfriend anyway.” She turned her focus to Leslie. “Claire Vanderlaan. I’m glad to meet you, Leslie. It’s about time Ryker dated a good woman.”

Leslie blinked. “Um, thanks.”

“Claire,” Ryker said.

“I said what I said.”

Ryker shook his head. Leslie’s silver eyebrows were inching farther upward every second, but he wasn’t getting into this now. Yeah, he’d been meaning to talk to her about Jacqueline, but…not yet. Claire gave him her signature barbed-wire look, then offered Leslie a smile.

“Can I get you anything, Leslie?”

“Oh, um, not right now, thanks. And it’s nice to meet you too.”

“Ryker says you’re from Tennessee, specifically Harmony Ridge.”

Leslie blinked. “Don’t tell me you’ve heard of it. The world can’t be that small.”

“Do you know Ember Reed?”

“Not well, given she’s a wolf’s mate, but we’ve met, sure. She seems cool. But how doyouknow her?”