Page 96 of To Challenge a Wolf

“I’m sorry.”

Vivian rolled her eyes.

“I’ve been wrong about a lot. About myself and us. But I want to make it right. I want you, Viv.”

“Well, practically a minute ago you were saying the opposite.”

“I’ll never say the opposite again. I’m your wolf. If you can still want me.”

She was shaking her head before he finished. “No way. You’ve never been wishy-washy a day in your life, and you meant what you said, so you can’t mean this now.”

He had to prove himself. Somehow. But the hidden pain inside Vivian was mounting as she faced him down, as she kept up a brave face. The fire inside seemed to lay a brand on multiple vital organs at once. Rhett tried to maintain a blank face, but…he couldn’t do that anymore. He pressed his free hand to his stomach.

Vivian glared at him. “If you feign illness to try to get across this threshold I’ll—”

“Oh come on, Viv, does that sound like me?” Two could glare, dang it.

“Actuallynoneof this sounds like the wolf I know, and I don’t appreciate whatever you’re trying to pull.”

“I’m trying to give you what you asked for,” he said. “Honesty. And me.”

“And my favorite milkshake.”

“Which is melting. Stop being stubborn and drink the thing.”

She kept her glare strong and icy, but her hurt seemed to split her scent into a fractured version of black tea. Rhett hunched over and let out a growl. Vivian snatched the glass out of his hand, losing not a single drop.

Then she was at his side. “Are you really not okay?”

“I hurt you,” he said through gritted teeth, forcing himself upright. “You’re a great con, Viv, but you know I can smell it.”

“Okay, and? What’s that got to do with your stomachache?”

“Everything. You’re hurting, so…I am too.”

“But that only applies to…”

“Like I said. Mates.”

“But you insisted for a week that we’renot. I did everything I could to get you to ignore the fact that we’re not, and now you’re saying we actuallyare.”

“We are.” His stomach was easing now that her hurt had given way to shock and indignation. He took a deep breath, then let it out. “I’m your wolf, and you’re my mate.”

She curled both hands around the glass. “You are going to start at the beginning and explain yourself, Rhett Jamison Jones.”

“I don’t have a middle name.”

“I’m sorry,whatdoes that have to do with anything right this minute?”

“I got rid of both of them. Legally I’m just Rhett Jones.”

They looked at each other a long moment. No glaring, just held each other’s eyes for what seemed forever while he wondered if his mate was about to slam the door in his face.

At last she said, “You should add Jamison back in, so your nickname doesn’t make me look stupid. It’s from your mom’s side; it’s got nothing to do with Stone.”

“You remember which of my middle names is from Stone’s side and which is from my mom’s?”

“You remember my birthday and used it for a life-or-death passcode.”