“What is it, Viv?”
“Something really…personal…happened Sunday night, and he’s been different ever since. I think he wishes I hadn’t seen him vulnerable like that. It’s what he does, Blaine. One accidental glimpse under the armor and he’s pulling away, soldiering up.”
“What’s happened since then? You haven’t seen him?”
“Oh, I’ve spent the last two days with him. He’s here with me, but he’s notherelike he was before. I thought you mightknow why it happened. I thought if I understood it from a wolf’s perspective, I could get him back.”
“Then you’re talking to the wrong apex.”
The moment he said it, her folly became obvious. She closed her eyes. “I want him to be happy. Even if it’s not with me.”
“Has he said he doesn’t want to be with you?”
“No, he…actually he said the opposite on Saturday.” After kissing her nearly senseless. But that was before the fevered storm on Sunday. Rhett was an ocean of chaos, and her heart couldn’t find an even keel on the pitching of his waves. “You’re going to tell me to push.”
“Good guess. But what else am I going to tell you?”
“Don’t stake your worth on whether your battle plan wins the day.”
“I’m not.”
“Okay, onward. New battle plan. I’ll tell him he doesn’t get to pretend Sunday never happened and also pull away by inches. I’ll tell him we’ve got to talk this thing out. And then, if he shuts me down, I’ll go to Malachi.”
“Better than coming to me, you know.”
“Yeah, I know. It’s just…sometimes I want some brotherly advice.”
“And I’m happy to give it any time, unless it breaks a confidence. Especially a wolf’s.”
“Thanks, Blaine. I hope you sleep tonight.”
“Good night, Viv.”
The call ended, and she looked out the windshield for the first time since calling. One lamp still lit the living room, along with the TV. No doubt Kelsey and Trevor were watching “their show,” a frenetic race across continents after clues and prize money. Vivian had never seen it before Monday night, when herhosts offered to introduce her to the show they aspired to be on someday.
“As soon as they make a spinoff for human/wolf couples,”Kelsey had added as though she knew of a signed contract for this very thing.
Vivian hopped out and locked her vehicle, then shed her heels at the door and padded in her pinstripe tights to the living room. From the couch, cuddled like nesting dolls, Kelsey and Trevor each gave her a little wave.
“There’s five minutes left of this episode. Do you mind if we finish?” Kelsey said.
“Not at all.” Vivian sank into one of the chairs, drew her feet up and spread her A-line skirt over them. “Is our favorite team winning?”
“Currently in third place,” Trevor said.
“They got lostagaindriving in the city,” Kelsey said. “And you know what they said? Again?”
Vivian didn’t have to guess. “‘Should we ask someone for directions?’”
“Word for word. You look incredible by the way. I envy your fashion sense.”
“I know what I like.” But hearing her choices admired by a woman as happily self-confident as Kelsey warmed her and eased the Rhett-induced pinch in her chest. Stupid wolf. Stupid, stubborn, stonewalling, snarky wolf she couldn’t help but…love.
When the episode ended and the TV was off, Kelsey sprang up from the couch and hugged her good night. Trevor didn’t follow his mate from the room. Instead he began unfolding the sofa bed.