At the very front of the line, Aaron made a plate for his mate as well as himself. Ember was the only person who hadn’t joined the line. As she sat in a chair by the fire pit, her pregnant belly seemed larger than the entire rest of her five-foot-two frame. The last two weeks, Aaron’s caretaker instinct toward his mate had increased to a degree Rhett had never seen before in any wolf. He had never pined for fatherhood in the first place, but seeing Aaron lose his even keel over it was confirmation.
He hadn’t meant to stand beside Vivian. She continued to look around, unafraid to study people openly. In return she was given nods and smiles, and she smiled back. Clearly Rhett was the only person here who couldn’t relax in her presence. He ground his teeth some more.
Then Vivian went very still, and her bow lips parted. She whispered, “Oh. My. Gosh.”
Rhett followed her gaze to the couple who stood about twenty feet away at the end of the line. “That’s Malachi and April.”
“I know who he is. Oh my gosh.”
Of course Malachi heard her. He turned his head and made eye contact, and Vivian gave a little jump in place. Then she stepped out of line and walked up to him.
Based on his scent as well as his easy stance, Malachi didn’t mind her boldness. He gave her a polite nod. “Welcome, Vivian.”
“Thank you,” she said, then looked to April. “April, you’re the alpha’s mate?”
“That’s right.” April tucked herself into Malachi’s side with an easy affection. “It’s nice to meet you, Vivian. I hope you enjoy your day with us.”
“So far, so good.” Vivian’s grin was audible though her back now faced Rhett. “So, Malachi, now I get it. You thought I wouldn’t want to try acclimating to a seventeen-percent wolf.”
In line just ahead of them, Willow and Ezra both turned to gape at Vivian. She didn’t seem to notice.
“How do you know that?” Malachi said.
Rhett’s pulse jumped. If Vivian thought he’d told his pack about his past, she had no reason not to blurt it out. His gaze leaped to Malachi’s. Why had the alpha asked her in front of everyone? He was cautious and trustworthy—he wouldn’t betray Rhett’s confidence—but he’d just asked her—
Vivian said, “I’ve been studying wolves for a long time.”
Rhett drew a slow breath and let it out. His alpha’s amber eyes flicked toward him for a moment, and the heavy musk-and-ginger essence thickened with a strong tang of care. Then his focus resumed on Vivian.
“You’re correct,” Malachi rasped. “My DNA is seventeen percent wolf. But I take it you still wish to try acclimating to me.”
Malachi’s mouth twitched. “Now? In line for lunch?”
“No time like the present.”
A low rumble filled the alpha’s chest. “All right then.”
Ezra and Willow took a few steps away from Vivian, not wanting to crowd her if she panicked. Which she would. Malachi’s unshielded gaze, beyond that of any other wolf’s, triggered an uncontrollable fear in humans. As far as Rhett knew, the only ones that could acclimate to him were the life mates of wolves in Malachi’s own pack. Willow was the most recent of these, and afterward she’d nearly collapsed. He stepped closer and stood guard at Vivian’s back. If she couldn’t stay on her feet, he would catch her. If she screamed, he would hold her until she felt safe again.
Malachi’s eyes glowed for a moment as he allowed the full focus of his gaze to meet Vivian’s. A gasp tore from her throat, and her body began to shake as she stood her ground. Rhett forced himself to stand still. Vivian. Protect. But no. This was his alpha. His alpha was good. Protection wasn’t necessary.
With another gasp, Vivian bent over at the waist and gripped her knees. She took a few deep breaths, then straightened. “Wow. Um. Hi, Malachi.”
His mouth curved, and his eyes shone like polished gold. “Hello, Vivian.”
“Your power is incredible. But I guess you know that.”
“Strength to serve my pack.” The alpha’s voice filled with warmth, as it always did when he spoke of his pack.
She gestured to his place in line. “You know over half the alphas leading an American pack right now no longer observe this eating-last tradition?”
Still tucked in close to him, April tipped her head back to meet his eyes. “Aha.”
“Irrelevant,” Malachi said with a low, harmless growl.
Vivian laughed. “Did I stumble on an old argument?”