Page 13 of To Challenge a Wolf

“I was with him when Aaron called, so I know he met you in town. Is anything wrong, Ms. Rossi?”

“Oh gosh, please call me Vivian. And no, everything’s fine. I’d like to ask a favor of you.”

“Go ahead.”

He sounded unconcerned by her call, so that was something. She wished she were asking in person so she could try to read his reactions. “Rhett probably didn’t bother to explain what I’m doing here, but the short version is, we knew each other a long time ago, and we didn’t part on easy terms. I’ve been looking for him, but he doesn’t really want to see me. You should know that up front.”

After a pause, Malachi said, “And?”

Still no hint of his opinion. “And if you give me permission to meet you and the rest of his pack, he’s going to be spitting mad. But I’m asking for permission anyway.”


“Because I care about him. I want to see for myself that he’s in a good place here and meet the people who matter to him.” And force him to notice her, since force appeared to be necessary; but his alpha didn’t need to know her entire plan.

“How did you get my number?”

She explained her online subterfuge via the directory for potential guardianship. Over the line came a rumble so low she almost didn’t pick it up. “I apologize. I know it wasn’t strictly appropriate, but I promise I didn’t mean any harm to your pack. I’d run out of places to look for him and thought the directory might give me locations I hadn’t tried yet.”

“I understand you hadn’t seen him in ten years.”

“Oh.” Her fingers curled around her phone. Rhett had talked about her. “Did he say anything else?”

“Nothing that gives me cause to tell you no. You’re welcome to join us tomorrow at the pack cookout, but I’ll let Rhett know you’re coming.”

Of course informing Rhett was simple courtesy. She’d do it herself if she had his phone number. Her mouth curved. She’d see him again tomorrow. “Thank you. I really appreciate it.”

“I have one question,” the alpha said.

“Of course.”

“When were you last in contact with Stone Helvering?”


Vivian’s breath stalled in her throat—audible to a wolf, even over a phone connection. “I hadn’t expected him to tell your pack about his past.”

“He didn’t,” Malachi said. “He told me.”

If she’d doubted the pure loyalty that filled Rhett’s voice when he talked about the alpha who’d beaten him, well, this sealed it. “I haven’t seen or heard from Stone since the day I walked out on his empire, including my dad. That was about eight years ago. I got out as soon as I could.”

“And he didn’t attempt to bring you back in?”

“The Rossis are small potatoes to Stone. I’d had no contact with Rhett in the two years between his exit and mine, and Stone knew that. So no, I wasn’t worth the effort.”

“I see.” For a long moment, Malachi was quiet. Then he said, “I believe you. The pack will gather at 955 Lunar Lane, tomorrow between noon and one. You’re welcome to eat with us.”

“If your spread is typical wolf fare, I’ll enjoy it,” she said.

“Emphasizing protein but not lacking dessert.”

A laugh escaped. She could only hope this alpha wasn’t the type to bristle at a human’s finding him humorous. She hadn’t heard a smile behind the words, but she likely wouldn’t over the phone given his rasping tone.

“Will you acclimate me?” she said. “I’d like to see you without your shield.”

He was quiet a moment. “If you still want me to tomorrow, then yes, I will.”

“I won’t change my mind.”