Page 87 of Rage's Heart

He started sobbing immediately, tears and snot were running down his face as Killer and Reign hauled him to his feet. “I’m sorry. Please, I’m sorry!”

As I looked into his eyes, I felt nothing. Actions had consequences and it was time for him to pay for what he’d done.

“You fucked up when you came for her.“

I nodded to my brothers. “It’s time.”

With ease, they lifted Chad off his feet, his bound body thrashing desperately as he screamed. The sound was short-lived, cut off abruptly as they heaved him over the side.

The splash was loud in the quiet night, followed immediately by the frantic splashing of a man fighting for his life.

“Help! Please! I can’t swim like this!” Chad’s panicked voice carried across the water as he struggled to keep his head above the surface, his bound limbs making it nearly impossible.

We watched; all of us curious how things were going to play out. The first shark approached, circling Chad’s body before darting forward to investigate the disturbance in its hunting grounds.

Chad’s screams reached a new pitch as the first hit came—a quick, testing bite to assess if this strange creature was prey. Blood bloomed across the surface of the dark water, a dinner bell calling to the others circling nearby.

What followed could only be described as a feeding frenzy that turned my stomach despite everything Chad had done.

Nature’s justice was swift but brutal, the water churning red around his thrashing form. His screams became gurgles, then silence as he was pulled beneath the surface for the last time.

In less than a minute, it was over. The only evidence that Chad Miller had ever been there was the spreading slick of dark fluid on the water’s surface.

“It’s done,” Reign said quietly, tossing the remaining chum overboard. “Let’s go home.”

“Yeah,“ I agreed, staring at the distant lights lining the coast. “Let’s go home.“

Chapter Twenty-Four


“Well, McKenzie, I have to say I’m impressed with your recovery,” Dr. Rodriguez said, as she clicked through my chart with a satisfied nod. “Your lung function is nearly back to normal, and the surgical sites have healed beautifully.”

I sat perched on the edge of the examination table, my heart racing with anticipation. After eight long weeks of careful movements, limited activities, and Rage hovering over me like I might break if I breathed too hard, I was more than ready for this appointment.

“So what you’re saying is that I can doeverythingI did before…” I trailed off, hoping she’d fill in the blank with exactly what I wanted to hear.

Dr. Rodriguez smiled, seeing right through me. “Yes, you’re cleared to resumeallnormal activities. And by all,“ she emphasized with a knowing look, “I do mean all.”

Heat crept into my cheeks.

“Thank the Gods.” I was horny and needed my man to touch me again. I didn’t say that, of course. Instead, I went with another truth. “If I have to endure one more day of being treated like I’m made of glass, I might lost my mind.”

She laughed, closing my chart. “Just remember to listen to your body. If something hurts, stop. The human body is remarkably resilient, but it does have limits.”

“Understood,” I promised, already sliding off the table and reaching for my purse.

“And McKenzie?” Dr. Rodriguez called as I headed for the door. “Congratulations on your engagement.”

My right hand automatically went to the ring on my finger. “Thank you.” I smiled.

Getting to call Rage myfiancéstill gave me butterflies.

So did the thought of what I had planned for tonight.

I was a ball of nerves on the ride home. Rage was at the clubhouse for another meeting and wouldn’t be home for a couple of hours, which gave me plenty of time to set everything up.

Sarah had moved out last week, into her own apartment with—surprise, surprise—Dread helping her with all the heavy lifting. Whatever was happening between those two was still undefined, but the way Dread looked at her reminded me of how Rage looked at me.