“Five days,” he replied, looking like he’d aged as many years in that time. “Doc had you in a medically induced coma. They just started weaning you off yesterday.”
“You’ve been here the whole time?” I took in his haggard appearance.
“Wild horses couldn’t have pulled me away,” he said simply, bringing my hand to his lips.
Before I could tell him he should go home and rest, the door opened again. My heart swelled at the sight of my mother, followed by Jack, Chelsea, and my nieces. Mom’s hand flew to her mouth when she saw I was awake, tears immediately spilling down her cheeks.
“You’re awake,” she cried, rushing to the opposite side of the bed from Rage. Her cool hand pressed against my forehead like she used to do when I was sick as a child. “Thank God.”
Chelsea wasn’t far behind, tears now streaming freely down her face as she stood at the foot of the bed. “We’ve been so worried about you.”
“We made you pictures, Auntie Mac,“ Brooklyn announced, holding up colorful drawings in both hands. “They’re to make you feel better.”
“Daddy said we have to be gentle with you,” Emma added solemnly, her young face creased with worry beyond her years.
I felt tears well in my eyes at their sweet gestures.
Jack hung back, hovering near the doorway. When our eyes met, I saw something I’d never seen in my big brother’s expression before—raw guilt. He took a hesitant step forward, then another, until he stood beside Chelsea.
“Hey, sis,” he said, his voice thick with emotion. “Good to see your eyes open again.”
I gave him a weak smile, understanding everything he wasn’t saying. This wasn’t the time for the conversation we needed to have, but he was happy that I was awake. “Thanks for being here, Jack.”
He nodded, blinking rapidly, and I knew he was fighting back tears of his own. Whatever had happened between us before, whatever harsh words had been exchanged, none of it mattered now. He was my brother, and he loved me. That was enough.
“Knock, knock.” The nurse who’d been in a few moments before my family arrived poked her head around the door. “I hate to run everyone off, but the doctor will be in shortly to check on Ms. Davis and he’s sent specific instructions for her to rest until he arrives.”
“Of course.” Mom smiles but it didn’t reach her eyes. “I’ll be back later, baby.” She kissed my forehead.
“We’ll give you a couple of days to get your strength.” Chelsea promised, herding her girls towards the door.
Jack opened his mouth then snapped it shut before casting a glance back at Rage.
My shoulders tensed waiting for him to start a drama.
But to my relief, my brother nodded curly at Rage and my man returned it.
Holy shit.
“Did I miss something?” I asked once the door closed behind Jack.
Rage’s shoulders went up. “We realized we have something in common.”
“Oh?” I was genuinely curious.
Dark stormy eyes lifted to meet mine. “We’d both kill to keep you safe.”
Questions were on the tip of my tongue. What happened to Chad? Did my brother know?
Rage’s thumb traced circles on the back of my hand, his eyes never leaving my face.
“Sarah?“ I asked, deciding that was a safer topic of conversation for now. “Is she okay? Does she know what happened?”
Rage blew out a breath. “She’s been staying at the clubhouse. Foxy’s keeping an eye on her.”
The door swung open again before I could ask more questions. This time, it was Reign, Killer, Zero, and Dread who filed in, with Sarah hovering uncertainly behind them.
“‘Bout time ya’ woke, lass. Yer’ man was losin’ the plot.” Reign grinned, his Irish brogue the thickest I’d ever heard it.