“Show him,” he said to Zero, then swung his gaze back to Jack. “Don’t make me fucking regret this.”
At Jack’s nod, Zero turned the laptop so we could all see. On the screen was the parking garage. It was grainy but clear enough to see Mac crouched beside her car, working on what looked like a flat tire.
Why didn’t she call me?
My throat constricted as I watched her, completely unaware of what was about to happen.
A figure appeared at the edge of the frame, creeping toward her.
Even in the poor quality footage, I recognized him immediately.
“Chad,” I growled.
“Her friend’s ex?” I heard Killer ask.
“Yeah.” He was a fucking deadman.
We kept watching as Chad moved in from behind. His expression never changed when she spins around. Their body language showed they were arguing.
Chad was growing increasingly more agitated while Mac kept trying to back away.
She lifted her hand, her lips moving.
“She’s trying to defuse the situation.” That was her from her brother.
Then Chad shoved her.
Mac’s body went back and her head connected with the mirror.
“Motherfucker,” I hissed as her fingers went to the blood dripping down her face.
“Jesus Christ,” Jack whispered brokenly.
What happened next tore through me like a blade to the heart.
Eyes void of all emotion, Chad reached into his waistband, pulled out a gun, and pointed it at Mac. Her hands came up in front of her again. I couldn’t hear the words coming out of her mouth, but I could tell by her body language that she was pleading with him not to pull the trigger.
His lips moved in response and the fear on her face was evident. I didn’t know how, but I knew that she knew what was about to happen.
In that moment, as I vowed that no matter what Chad would suffer greatly before he took his last breath, he pulled the trigger.
“NO!” My heart felt like it was being ripped from my chest as Mac’s body jerked from the impact of the first bullet.
I watched in agony as her hand went to her side, her life’s blood spilling from her body. Her body fell to the side, but incredibly, she was still conscious, still looking up at Chad.
He fired again.
This time, Mac collapsed completely, a dark pool spreading beneath her as Chad backed away, then turned and ran out of frame.
“No.” My head shook side to side. I couldn’t believe what I just saw. It couldn’t be real.
On shaky legs, I staggered backwards until my back hit the wall. The image of my girl’s prone body seared into my brain as I slide to the floor.
“Find him,” I croaked, everything around me blurring with red rage. “Find him, Zero. Do that for me?”
Zero’s fingers flew across the keyboard. “I’ll find him, brother. Already into his financials, phone, everything. I just need a few more minutes.”
I climbed to my feet and moved toward the exit, that cold calm that always came when it was time to do work, settled around me like an old friend.