“Strongest woman I’ve ever met.” My voice was barely audible. Another tear slid down my cheek.
I wiped it away. “She has to be okay.”
“She will be,” Lillian nodded, a fierce determination in her eyes that reminded me so much of Mac that it almost undid me completely.
I sank into a chair, my legs no longer able to support my weight. Lillian sat beside me, her hand still holding mine.
I should’ve been here. I should’ve picked her up. I should’ve protected her.
I was thinking of all the ways I’d fucked up when the waiting room doors opened and Chief walked in with half the club right behind him. Their faces were grim as they approached, and I knew Dread had filled them in. Zero had his laptop tucked under his arm. Thank fuck. I needed him looking for whoever hurt my girl.
Killer’s massive hand gripped my shoulder and squeezed. “We got you.”
I nodded as Chief settled into the chair on my other side.
“Any news?” he asked, keeping his voice low.
I shook my head. “Just that she’s in surgery. Someone shot her twice, Prez.” My voice cracked on the last word.
Chief’s face darkened. “We’ll find who did this, brother. You have my word.”
The doors slid open again. This time it was Jack who came bursting through, still in his uniform. His eyes caught mine and his face that was twisted with grief transformed into pure rage.
“You!” He crossed the waiting room. “This is all your fault! I told you—told you both that your world was going to get her hurt and look where we are!”
I stood, some base part of me welcoming the confrontation. Because maybe he was right. Maybe she was fighting for her life because of me.
“Jack, stop it!” Chelsea appeared behind him, grabbing his arm. “This doesn’t help your sister.”
“My sister is fighting for her life because of him!” Jack shouted, shaking off his wife’s hand. “She never would have been in danger if she hadn’t gotten mixed up with?—”
“That’s enough!“ Lillian’s voice cut through Jack’s tirade. She stepped between us. “McKenzie needs us united right now, not tearing each other apart.”
Jack’s jaw clenched, but he took a step back, his hands balling into fists at his sides.
Zero moved closer, opening his laptop. “Rage,” he said quietly as to not draw anymore attention. “I got something.”
Thank fuck.
We moved away from listening ears and he showed me the screen.
“Uhh.” All I saw were lines of what I assumed were computer code scrolling past.
“Hospital security feed,” Zero explained, his fingers flying over the keyboard. “I’m in.”
Jack’s head snapped toward us. “What did you just say?”
Zero ignored him, focusing on his screen. “Got it. Parking garage, level three. The timestamp matches when the call came in.”
“Let me see that,” Jack demanded, moving closer. “How did you access that footage?”
“Back the fuck off, Jack. This doesn’t concern you.”
Chief stepped forward, his eyes flicking back and forth between us. Jack put his hands on his hips, holding Chief’s stare.
I could see it. There was a war waging behind Prez’s eyes. He was most likely thinking about what if it was Foxy in that operating room, fighting for her life. I guess Jack and Chief had that in common. They were both overprotective of their little sisters.
Finally, Chief gave a quick nod.