My eyes went wide. Shit. I dove for the tire iron. My fingers closed around the cold metal just as his hand grabbed my arm and yanked me back with so much force I heard my shoulder make a sickening pop.
“Let go of me!” I shouted, twisting in his grip. “My boyfriend’s going to kill you for this,” I spat, fear giving way to anger as I fought against his hold.
Something dark flashed in Chad’s eyes and, with shocking speed for someone in his state, he pulled the gun free from his waistband.
“He’ll have to find me first.”
In that moment, I smelled the strong stench of whiskey on his breath and knew I had to fight if I was going to make it out of this alive.
“No more, Sarah, thinking she’s better than me. No more you filling her head with bullshit.“
I met his gaze, trying desperately to reach whatever humanity might be left in him. “People know where I am. They’ll be looking for me. This will only make things worse for you.”
He smiled, a feral smile that sent ice through my veins. “Nothing can get worse, Mac. I’ve got nothing left to lose.”
The sound of voices heading in our direction sent a shock of hope through me.
“Chad—” I tried again, but before I could finish, he shoved me hard.
My arms windmilled as I fell backwards.
BAM.My head cracked against the side mirror of my car and black spots filled my vision. Reaching up, I pressed my fingers to the side of my face as blood trickled down.
“I’m sorry. It has to be this way.”
I glanced up, my vision blurry, just as Chad took a step back and aimed the weapon in his hand right at me.
“Please,” I whispered, but it was pointless. He wasn’t listening anymore. His eyes had gone vacant. Mentally, he was somewhere else.
Then, as if it was all happening in slow motion, he pulled the trigger. Hot, searing pain like I’d never felt before ripped through my side. My eyes dropped at the same time my hand went to the spot. Somehow, I had the wherewithal to apply pressure to try and slow the bleeding.
“Why?” I croaked. I couldn’t believe what was happening. He’d actually shot me.
The second shot followed almost immediately, but I barely felt it as my body slumped to the ground.
The last thing I saw before darkness swallowed me whole was a blurry figure kneeling beside me, hands pressing against my wounds, and a voice yelling for someone to get help.
Then nothing.
Chapter Twenty-One
“You think the Talons are actually stupid enough to hit the shipment?” Dread asked, leaning against the workbench in my garage, beer bottle dangling from his fingers. “Even Spike has to know that would be suicide.”
“Men do stupid shit when their pride’s on the line,” I answered, wiping grease off my hands with an old rag. The detached garage behind our house had become my sanctuary since Sarah had been staying with us.
I loved my woman, but I’d hit my limit of Grey’s Anatomy reruns.
Dread laughed, taking another pull from his beer. “True that. Chief wants every man locked and loaded tomorrow night.”
“As we should be.” I tossed the rag aside and took the cold brew Dread offered. “Can’t take chances, not with?—”
The ringtone I’d set specifically for Mac cut through our conversation. I pulled my phone from my pocket, a small smile already forming.
“Hey ba?—”
“Is this McKenzie’s boyfriend?” A woman’s panicked voice, definitely not Mac’s, came through the speaker.