Page 71 of Rage's Heart

I waved her off. It was probably nothing. Probably just my imagination working overtime after all the stress of the last couple of days.

Before I pulled out of the lot to follow Sarah to the apartment, I reached for my phone and sent Rage a quick text.

Going to Sarahs to get her things. Staying with us. explain everything later. I love U

His response was immediate.

K baby. Love U 2. Be safe

I set my phone down, taking a deep breath as I focused on the road ahead. Sarah needed me right now, and I would not let my paranoia distract me from helping my best friend.

Chapter Nineteen


I stared at the stack of photos spread across the table, my jaw clenched so tight I could feel a headache brewing at my temples. Image after image showed riders in Silver Talons cuts riding through our territory. I picked up the one of Spike sitting on his bike, openly flashing his colors while his fucking minions tagged the side of the building with that bullshit eagle emblem of theirs. The fucking disrespect was blatant. Mother fuckers didn’t realize they weren’t playing Russian Roulette with their fucking lives.

“These were taken yesterday,” Killer said, tapping one of the photos with his finger. “Right outside of Ray’s Bakery. Owner says they’ve been coming around, making threats.”

“Fuckers,” I muttered, leaning back in my chair.

The back office of Saints Ink was cramped with the four of us crowded inside. Reign was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest and a scowl on his face.

“Aye, and that’s not all,” he added, his Irish accent thicker because he was pissed. “Donna down at the corner store says they’ve been hanging around and scaring off her customers. They roughed up a regular three nights ago.”

I dragged a hand down my face.

“They’re testing us.” Killer’s dark eyes met mine. “After the shootout at the clubhouse, they think we’re vulnerable. It’s time to send a message.”

I nodded, rubbing at the tension building at the back of my neck. Sitting on our hands and thinking shit would blow over was getting old. We needed to talk to Chief and Morpheus, and come up with a plan to handle this shit before things escalated any further.

Dread started to chime in about another incident, but my mind wandered to Mac and the shit she was dealing with. Something about her meeting Sarah alone had my hackles up.

“Rage.” Dread snapped his fingers in front of my face. “Are you even fucking listening?”

I blinked, focusing on the men staring at me with concern. “Yeah. Sorry.”

Reign’s eyes narrowed slightly. “Something on your mind?”

“Mac,” I admitted. No point in lying to my brothers. “She’s meeting Sarah.” Dread perked up at the mention of Mac’s ex-roomie.

Killer’s expression darkened immediately. “The fucker who was eyeballing Mac?” Few things pissed him off more than men who preyed on women.

“That’s the one.”

“Your woman can handle herself,” Reign added, nodding at Dread whose arm was still in a sling. “She’s smart and doesn’t buckle under pressure.”

Pride swelled in my chest at the mention of how my baby had handled herself during the shooting. She was a badass. “I know she can. But I just got a bad feeling about that guy.”

“Pussy-whipped,” Killer coughed into his fist.

I flipped him off. “Fuck you.”

“Easy, lads,” Reign interrupted, tapping the photos. “The Talons?”

Right. We needed to focus.

Collecting the photos, I studied them again with a critical eye. “We need to hit back. Hard. But we gotta be smart.” The last thing any of us wanted was an all-out war. Especially me. Now that I had Mac in my life I had more to lose than ever.