I’d seen my baby stand strong through a goddamn shoot out, but seeing her fighting back tears because of her own family broke something in me.
“Mac—” Jack started again, his tone much less brutal.
“No,” she cut him off. “I’m done. I need some air.” She turned, moving swiftly toward the back door.
I remained seated, holding Jack’s glare as I thought about all the ways I could kill Jack Davis without winding up behind bars.
“Well,” Lillian broke the silence, her eyes sharp as razor wire despite her soft delivery. “I hope you’re proud of yourself, Jackson.”
“Are you kidding me?” Jack whipped his head toward his mother. “You’re taking their side?”
“There are no sides here,” she replied firmly. “There is only your sister, who you’ve just humiliated and hurt deeply.”
Chelsea stood up, smoothly gathering the girls. “Emma, Brooklyn, let’s go upstairs and play for a bit, okay?”
“But we didn’t get dessert,” Brooklyn protested.
“We’ll have it later, baby,” Chelsea promised, ushering them from the table. The look she gave her husband over her shoulder could freeze over hell.
Once the kids were out of the room, Jack turned his attention back to me.
“You’ll get her killed,” he said flatly. “You think I don’t know what happened at your clubhouse? The shootout?”
I kept my face neutral. I wasn’t surprised at all that the JPD got wind about what happened.
“She’s not in any danger,” I replied evenly, unsure if that was the truth. That day, she’d been right in the middle of it. Not that he knew that.
“Bullshit,“ he spat, echoing my thoughts. “Your club is at war with the Talons. I won’t let my sister be collateral damage.”
I leaned forward slightly, keeping my voice measured. “I love your sister. I’d die before I let anything happen to her.”
“Yeah? And what kind of life are you offering her? One where she has wonder if you’re going to end up in a body bag? Or locked up?”
Each word was a direct hit, prodding at the exact fears I’d been wrestling with since the moment I realized I was in love with Mac. I shoved the doubts away just as fast as they came.
He may be right, but it was too fucking late. She was mine. And because I was a selfish bastard, I was never letting her go.
“Mac’s life is her choice,” I replied, holding onto my control by a thread. “She knows who I am. She chose me anyway.”
Jack laughed, a harsh, ugly sound. “She chose you because you’ve filled her head with bullshit. She’s too good for you, and deep down, you know it.”
Oh, I knew she was way too fucking good for me. Never thought differently. But it still didn’t matter. I’d die before I let anyone take her from me.
“My woman doesn’t need your permission to live her life,” I said finally. “And she doesn’t need you to protect her from me.”
“My sister has always been too trusting,” Jack continued, like I hadn’t even spoken. “Too blind to see the disasters right in front of her.”
My eyes narrowed to slits. I wanted to tell him to go fuck himself, but I knew it’d only make things worse.
“That’s enough, Jack.” Lillian demanded. She’d been silent, watching our exchange with thoughtful eyes. Now she stood, her small frame somehow commanding the entire room.
“Mom—” he started.
“No.” She cut him off with a raised hand. “You’ve said more than enough. Your sister has chosen a path you may not approve of, but it is her path to walk.”
Jack’s face flushed with betrayal. “You can’t possibly support this.”