Page 64 of Rage's Heart

Jack on the other hand. His face turned to granit as he set his fork down with a clatter.

“You’ve what?” he growled.

Mac lifted her chin, meeting his gaze head on. “I’ve moved in with Rage. We’re living together.”

“For how long?” Jack demanded, his face starting to turn an alarming shade of red.

“Since yesterday.”

That was only slightly true.

“Jesus Christ, McKenzie,” Jack exploded, shoving away from the table. His chair screeched against the hardwood. “Have you completely lost your damn mind?”

“Jack!” Lillian warned.

He ignored his mother, laser-focused on his sister as he snarled, “You’ve been shacking up with this—this criminal and didn’t think to mention it?”

Mac flinched like she’d been slapped, and I had to actively force every muscle in my body to remain still.

“Watch it.” My voice was low.

Jack’s eyes came to me for only a second before jumping back to his sister.

“And you bring him here?

I inhaled slowly, trying to tamp down on the anger starting to boil. If he’d been anyone else, he’d already be laid the fuck out for speaking to my woman that way. I exhaled, reminding myself that this was her brother, and I had to let her take the lead.

“I was going to—,” she started, hurt bleeding into her voice. “I’m telling you now.”

“Oh, well, isn’t that thoughtful of you,” he sneered. “After it’s already done.”

Who did this motherfucker think he was? She didn’t have to run shit by him. She was a grown woman. My woman.

“It’s my life, Jack. My decision.”

Atta’ girl. I was so fucking proud of her for standing her ground even though I knew she felt every blow he was dishing out.

“A reckless one! Do you have any idea what you’re getting into? What kind of men he associates with?” He jabbed a finger in my direction without looking at me. “The Saints aren’t Sunday riders, McKenzie. They’re criminals.” His hate-filled eyes finally turned to me. “They run drug, guns.”

I balled my hand into a fist under the table.

I wasn’t surprised he knew about my club. I mean, for fuck’s sake, several of my brothers had been locked up at one point or another for trafficking. It wasn’t like it wasn’t public record information. But something about him blurting out that shit at the Sunday dinner table in front of everyone made me want to snap his fucking neck.

“Stop it,” Mac interrupted, her voice wavering. “You don’t know him.”

“I know exactly what he is,” her brother shot back. “I’ve seen his type my entire career. They chew up good girls like you and spit them out when they get bored.”

That one got to her. I could see the flicker of doubt in her eyes and I hated it.

Fuck that. Enough was fucking enough.

“You’re out of line,” I growled, unable to bite my tongue for another second.

Jack looked at me directly, contempt written in every line of his face. “I haven’t even started, pal. You think you can just waltz in here and fuck with my sister?”

Mac stood abruptly, her chair nearly toppling backward. “This was a mistake. I thought—” her voice cracked. “I thought you might actually try, for once, to be happy for me.”

Her eyes were filling with tears.