Page 60 of Rage's Heart

I crossed to him, wrapping my arms around his bare waist from behind and pressing my cheek against his tattooed back. “Thank you.”

His hands covered mine where they rested against his stomach. “You can thank me later.”

Oh, I definitely would.

Twenty minutes later, we were both dressed and ready to go. Rage’s dark hair was styled to perfection and his beard was freshly trimmed. The black shirt fit him perfectly, the sleeves rolled up, revealing his sexy tattooed forearms. He’d even offered to forfeit wearing his cut, which I’d quickly rejected.

As much as I appreciated the offer, I wasn’t trying to change him. I loved my man for exactly who he was, and my family was going to have to accept that.

“How do I look?” he asked, though his confident smirk suggested he already knew the answer.

I let my eyes travel over him, from his motorcycle boots to his broad shoulders. “Like every girl’s bad boy fantasy.”

He chuckled, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me close. “Every girl’s, huh?”

“Yeah, but I don’t share.” I bared my teeth.

He threw his head back, the chords in his neck straining as he laughed out loud.

I shrugged. He was mine. What could I say?

My leg bounced uncontrollably as we made the trip to mom’s house on the other side of town.

Rage reached out and placed his hand on my knee. “Easy, woman. It’s gonna be okay.”

“I know.” I sighed, hoping it was true.

As we turned onto my mother’s street, my phone buzzed with an incoming text.

“Who’s that?”

I shrugged, pulling it from my purse. I was honestly expecting a message from Mom asking where we were, but instead saw Sarah’s name lit up on the screen.

“It’s Sarah.”

Hey. Need to talk when you get a chance. Chad is being weird. Like, worse than usual.

My stomach knotted. I quickly typed back:

Weird how? Are you okay?

The three dots appeared, then disappeared, then appeared again.

I’m fine. IDK. He came home drunk last night and threw some stuff around.

“Everything okay?“ Rage asked, glancing over at me.

I hesitated. “She says Chad’s being weird.”

Rage’s jaw tightened. “Define weird.”

“According to Sarah, he came home drunk and threw things.” I bit my lip, guilt creeping in.

“She need us to come over and put his sorry ass out? Cause I’ll gladly fucking do it.”

“Uhh. No.” That wasn’t a good idea at all. That was the last thing I needed was him going to jail for beating the brakes off of Chad.

We’re headed to mom’s for dinner, but we can reschedule if you need some backup