Page 51 of Rage's Heart

Rage paused mid-swig, brows drawing together in confusion.

Well shit. I’d meant to sorta ease into that one.

“What do you mean?” he asked carefully.

“This.” I gestured between us, then around the kitchen. “I’ve been here every night since the barbecue. I’m buying groceries for your house. My toothbrush is in your bathroom.”

Understanding dawned in his eyes, and one corner of his mouth ticked up. “What do you think is happening here?”

“I think I’ve been practically living here.” I crossed my arms. “But all my stuff is still in the apartment. My mail goes there. I’m paying rent on a place I never see, and for all Sarah knows, I’ve joined a cult.”

“You kind of have,” he joked, setting his beer down.

I rolled my eyes. “Seriously, Rage. I have a home and bed of my own, you know.”

Was I forcing him to confront what was happening? Maybe, but I needed to know where his head was at. What he wanted.

His expression immediately darkened, a possessive glint flashing in his eyes as all the playfulness left him. “You sleep next to me,” he stated flatly.

My pulse quickened at his tone. “That’s not what I meant. I just—what does all this even mean? What are we doing?”

He sighed, running a hand through his dark hair before crossing to where I stood. His hands settled on my hips, anchoring me in place as he looked down at me.

“It means tell your roommate you’re moving in with me.”

I stared into his eyes. There wasn’t an ounce of doubt there. He always knew exactly what he wanted. I wish I could be as confident.

“You want me here.” It wasn’t a question.

“You heard me.” His eyes were steady on mine. “Move in. For real. Bring your stuff, change your address, redecorate if you want, the whole thing.”

A laugh bubbled up from my chest—not because it was funny, but because of the sheer relief washing through me. “Just like that?”

“Just like that.” His thumbs traced small circles on my hipbones. “I already told you. You belong to me. I sleep here so you sleep here. End of story.”

Even if he was a caveman, my heart felt like it might burst. “This is a pretty big step.”

“We’ve already taken it,” he pointed out. “We’re just making it official.”

He was right, of course. We’d been playing house for weeks. The only difference was acknowledging it out loud.

“Okay,” I said, wrapping my arms around his neck. “I’ll move in with you.”

His smile was brilliant, all white teeth and dancing eyes. He bent down, capturing my mouth in another kiss, this one slower, deeper. I pressed against him, losing myself in the feeling of his body against mine, the taste of him on my tongue.

When we finally came up for air, his eyes were dark. “Was that so hard?”

“Shut up,“ I laughed, playfully pushing at his chest. “I got you something.”

“Yeah?” His eyebrows lifted in interest as I reached behind me for the package I’d hidden in the drawer.

I presented the Reese’s with a flourish. “Your favorite.”

His lips twitched as he snatched it from my fingers. “You spoil me.”

It was such a small thing, but the way his eyes lit up made my chest tight. For all his tough exterior and ‘you’re mine’ caveman antics, there was something about my badass biker getting excited over peanut butter cups.

“I enjoy watching you eat them,” I admitted. “The way you always split them perfectly in half first.”