Page 4 of Rage's Heart

“But enough business,” Chief decided. “It’s Friday.” He gestured toward the bar where Trixie was making eyes at me, her top cut so low it was a wonder her tits stayed contained.

I sipped my beer as Trixie sauntered over, pressing herself against me. “Hey, handsome. Wanna go upstairs?”

My dick perked up behind my zipper. Trix was my go-to girl. Always warm and always willing.

“Sure, darlin’,” I said, sliding off the stool. “Lead the way.”

Chapter Two


“You’re working another double?” Sarah pouted, flopping onto the couch as I shoved my feet into my new Nike sneakers. “Mac, seriously, I don’t know how you’re still standing. I’d be in a coma.”

I sighed, tying my laces quickly before looking up at her. Sarah had been my best friend since the first day of fourth grade, when she’d marched right up to me and declared that my Lisa Frank binder was ‘totally awesome’, and immediately sat down next to me. We’d been inseparable ever since, weathering everything from bad pixie haircuts, worse boyfriends, and cramming for finals on zero sleep. Now, as adults, we shared an apartment, a car occasionally, and our unbreakable bond.

“I’m fine, Sarah,” I assured her, forcing a smile.

She scoffed, throwing an arm dramatically over her eyes. “A couple? You’ve worked doubles all week. I swear, pretty soon they’re going to start charging you rent.”

I rolled my eyes but didn’t argue. She sort of had a point. Between covering for a coworker on maternity leave and helping out in the Emergency Department because hospital staffing had been perpetually short, I’d been pulling more hours than usual.

Still, X-ray techs didn’t get showered in money, and as much as I loved my job, I wanted financial stability even more.

“Besides,” I added, shrugging into my light zip-up jacket, “if I don’t do it, who will?”

Sarah propped herself up on her elbows, leveling me with a look. “Literally anyone else. If you keep burning yourself out like this, you won’t have the energy for anything fun. Like, oh, I don’t know, a social life?”

I snorted. “That was a train wreck.” The social life she was referring to was my last date, six months ago, that had been a total dumpster fire.

“Okay, fair,” she conceded, crossing her arms. “But you’d have time to meet someone if you weren’t always at work.”

I laughed at that. Dating wasn’t even on my radar at the moment. I was more worried about getting out of debt.

“I’ll worry about having a social life when I’m not trying to pay rent and student loans,” I said, grabbing my bag from the counter. “But if it makes you feel better, we’ll plan a girls’ night soon. My treat.”

Sarah wrinkled her nose. “That does sound tempting…”

“Good. Think about it.”

I turned toward the door, prepared to rush out, when Sarah sighed dramatically. Hand on the doorknob, my eyes closed. I knew that sigh. Whatever she was about to say, I wasn’t going to like.

“So, uh…” She hesitated before casually adding, “Chad is coming over later.”

I froze for half a second before forcing my expression to stay neutral. “Great.”

Chad coming over was anything but great. He was a total douche.

She side-eyed the flatness of my tone. “He’s really trying this time. I swear he’s getting better.”

I bit back my immediate response. The last time Chad was ‘really trying’ he still somehow managed to empty Sarah’s bank account. Not to mention, he flirted with anything in a skirt.

“Just… be careful, okay?” I said instead.

Sarah groaned as I turned the doorknob. “You’re starting to sound like your brother.”

She did not just— “Take that back.” I was nothing like my brother. He was overprotective to the point of suffocating. I was just trying to look out for my best friend. It was totally different.

“Fine.” She conceded. “You’re not like Jack, but I know what I’m doing, okay?”