As he moved past me, he paused, leaning in close enough that I could smell the sourness of his breath. “Tell your president to enjoy it while it lasts. Jacksonville’s changing. New blood’s coming in.”
I grabbed his arm, squeezing hard enough to make him wince. “You threatening us?”
He bared his teeth. “Just stating facts.”
Reign laid a hand on my shoulder, a silent warning to stand down. Reluctantly, I released Spike’s arm.
The Talons filed out, each one making sure to bump shoulders with one of us on the way. It was childish bullshit, but I held my temper in check. This wasn’t the time or place.
Once they were gone, Killer turned to Rosie. “You okay, Rosie girl?”
She nodded, her eyes still glued to the door where the Talons’ exited. “They’ve been in three times this week. It’s gotten worse each time.”
“What’d they say to you?” I asked.
“Said Saints protection ain’t worth shit anymore. That we’d be smart to switch to them before things got ’uncomfortable’.” She spat the last word like it was poison.
Killer’s jaw flexed. “We’ll handle it, Rosie. They won’t be back.”
“Better not be,” she said, her hands braced against the bar. “Can’t afford to lose customers because of turf war bullshit.”
After assuring Rosie we’d have someone keeping an eye on the place for the next few nights, we headed out. The Talons were long gone, but I had a feeling it wasn’t going to be for long.
“This is getting out of hand,” Reign said, puling out his smokes and lighting one up.
Dread’s face was stone. “We need to send a message that this shit isn’t going to fly.”
I nodded, even though a bad feeling was settling in my gut. “How do you want to play this?”
“I don’t know yet. Let’s meet up at the clubhouse tomorrow around noon.” Killer’s face was thoughtful. “We need a full table for whatever we decide.”
“And tonight?” Reign asked.
“We need to get eyes on their clubhouse.” Killer looked at me. “Rage, you take first watch with Reign. Me and Dread will relieve you in a few hours.”
I nodded, though something twisted in my gut at not being able to go back home to Mac. “We’re on it.”
As the others mounted their bikes, Reign pulled me aside. “Everything good with you? Dread mentioned you had company earlier.”
Of course the gossipy bastard was telling my business. “Just a girl.”
His brows furrowed slightly. Reign was one of my best friends and the one I usually confided in about personal shit, but I wasn’t ready to mention Mac to anyone yet. I didn’t even know if there was anything to mention.
“Liar.” He snorted.
I shrugged my shoulders. “She’s helping me with my dog.“
“Dog?” He grunted.
Fuck. So much had happened in the last few weeks I hadn’t even told him about Diesel.
“I’ll tell you about it once we get to the Talon’s clubhouse.”
He grunted again.
It was hours later before I pulled into my driveway, but when I did I noticed immediately that Mac’s car was gone.