Page 20 of Rage's Heart

Before I could talk myself out of it, I scrolled through my recent calls and hit a different number. It rang three times before his deep voice filled my ear.

“Miss me already, baby?“

The teasing warmth in Rage’s voice made something flutter in my chest, despite the jerks loitering in my living room. I opened my mouth to respond, but before I could get a word out, a loud bang on my door made me jump.

“Mac!” Chad’s voice carried through the wood. “Come on, don’t be stuck up bitch. The guys want to meet you.”

“I’m on the phone!” I shouted back, my voice snappier than I intended.

There was a pause, then another knock, gentler this time. “Just for a minute. We’re not gonna bite... unless you ask nicely.” The crude laughter that followed made my skin crawl.

“Mac?” Rage’s tone had shifted, the playfulness evaporating. “What’s going on?”

I hesitated for a split second before telling him the truth. “My roommate’s boyfriend is here with some of his friends. I just got home from work and they’re all in my living room.”

“Where’s your roommate?” His voice was suddenly hard, all business.

“At work,” I said, moving away from the door when another knock came. “She won’t be home for until later.”

And when she got here we were going to have a long talk about Chad being here while she was at work.

“Give me your address.”

I blinked, surprised by the demand in his voice. “What? Why?”

“Because I’m coming to get you.” It wasn’t a question or an offer—it was a statement of fact.

Part of me wanted to argue, to insist that I could handle this on my own. But another part—the part that was exhausted after being on my feet for ten hours and just wanted to get some sleep without having to keep one eye open—gave in.

So, I rattled off my address

“Stay put,” he ordered, and I could hear the loud rumble of his bike starting in the background. “I’m on my way.”

Then the line went dead.


I stared at my phone a little bit relieved and a whole hell of a lot panicked at what I’d just done.

I mean, we’d been texting randomly back and forth for the last week and twice I’d dropped by more goodies for Diesel. But, this felt different. My thoughts jumped to Jack. Why hadn’t I called him instead. Jesus, he was going to lose his mind once he found out I called Rage instead of him.

I couldn’t be bothered with that fight right now. I didn’t have the energy for it.

What I did focus on was getting out of my work clothes and changing into a comfy pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Ah. So much better. I’d just slipped on my Hey Dudes, when a loud knock at the front door came.

“I got it!” Chad called from the living room.

I yanked my bedroom door open and rushed down the hallway, determined to reach the door first.

Too late.

Chad was already swinging it open, his back going ramrod straight when he saw who was on the other side.

There Rage stood, filling my doorway. All six foot three of pure intimidation.

Even with the situation being tense as hell there was no denying how hot he was. I watched as his dark eyes scanned the room before landing on me.The relief of him being here was immediate.

“Who the fuck are you?” Chad demanded, trying to puff up his chest but looking pathetic next to Rage’s imposing frame.