Page 1 of Rage's Heart

Chapter One


“That ref was blind as shit.” I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned back against the counter before glancing over at the club’s enforcer. “How the hell are they gonna call interference on a clean hit?” We’d watched the Warriors played the Tonoka Thunder the night before at the clubhouse.

Killer’s shoulders went up. The 6’5” 285 pound Samoan loved full contact sports.

Hockey, Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing. You name it.

If there was violence and someone was likely to get drug out bleeding or broken, you could consider him a super fan. “Only thing worse than the blind fucking refs was the Thunder’s defense. Wide open fucking net, and they still couldn’t finish.”

Reign chuckled, shooting the bright orange Nerf basketball across the room into the flimsy net hanging on my office door. “Aye. Ye’ talk that much shite online, ye’ get yer arse handed to ye’ before the puck even drops.”

I snorted. “It was pretty fucking entertaining.”

He smirked. “Aye, it was.”

Having him back still felt unreal. He’d been released from The Federal Detention Center in Miami just over a year ago after serving a a dime for trafficking narcotics across state lines. The Feds had tried to flip him but he’d kept his mouth shut. Our Road Captain was fucking loyal.

Killer opened his mouth to say something else when a high-pitched whine cut through the room, rattling the windows violently.

“The fuck?“ Reign muttered, already pushing off the sofa. My brows were in my hairline. The fuck was right.

Shoving off the counter, I jogged out the front door right behind him and Killer.

Just as the shop door closed behind me, four crotch rockets whizzed by, the riders wearing dark hoodies and full-face helmets, making it damn near impossible to get a read on who the fuck they were as they blew through the intersection.

Mother fucker. My jaw tightened.

“Who’re these feckin’ clowns?” Reign growled.

We stood there watching as the bikers sped down the Boulevard until they disappeared from sight.

I put my hands on my hips. “I don’t know.” But that was the million dollar question, wasn’t it?

Killer pulled out his phone and pressed it to his ear. “You see that shit?” he barked, pacing back and forth along the sidewalk.

I couldn’t hear his voice but I knew Zero was on the other end. The club’s IT man took the club’s security serious. Knowing how serious, I’d bet a month’s worth of wages that he was probably already pulling up footage from the traffic cameras while simultaneously hacking into every private feed on the street. When it came to the club’s safety, our new tech man didn’t fuck around.

Zero had the club’s entire operation wired inside and out with top-notch everything. Cameras covered every angle of our businesses, the clubhouse, and other key spots around town.

“Yeah, full-face helmets,” Killer confirmed, drawing my attention. “Couldn’t get plates. Fuckers were too fast.” He paused, listening to whatever Zero was saying on the other end of the call.

“Right. Let me know what you find. Later,” he replied before ending the call and shoving his phone back in his pocket.

“Think it’s the same punks from last week?” I eyed Killer.

“Maybe.” He nodded.

Fuck. I didn’t buy into coincidences. It was too convenient. First messing around by our warehouse by the docks and now this? Naw. This was no coincidence. Whoever these fuckers were, they were intentionally making their presence known.

Reign grunted from beside me. “Chief ain’t gonna like this.”

No. He definitely wasn’t.

Before we could pick it apart anymore, a sleek white sedan pulled into the lot at the side of the building and parked.

We watched as the door opened, and out stepped my next client.