I can hear how my words come out, how the uncertainty laces my words. I can feel it thrumming through me as I wait for her words to either condemn me or tell me I’m right.
It’s nothing but a whisper but I hear her.
My eyes drop back down. “You look so god damned sexy, baby.”
“Don’t look!” Her thighs squeeze around me like she might be trying to close them. But she won’t be able to while I’m between them.
“How could I not?” I lean back so I can take a better look. “You keep this little treat bare all the time, pretty girl?”
Her face flames red, “Sometimes.”
“Yeah! Sometimes. I like it. I like being able to see everything. I bet…”
Chapter Twenty
He didn’t finish what he was going to say. And I really want to know. “What? What do you bet?”
He gives me a secret grin and nuzzles into my neck. “I’ll tell you later, baby. I don’t think you’re ready for that just yet.”
I frown and keep looking into his eyes trying to discover what he was going to say. He runs his thumb over the swell of my bottom lip.
“You know where this is going, right, baby?”
“Please don’t hurt me.”
The words are out of my mouth before I can think through how they might come off to him. He pulls back, away from me.
“You think I’d hurt you?”
“Not on purpose.” I quickly try to correct my words and instead, help him understand my intent behind them. “Never on purpose, but…I think you’ll grow tired of the novelty and be onto other things, other women. But I…I won’t ever be the same. I want you, but…I can’t…” Hurt like I did when I thought you didn’t need me anymore. I can't keep pretending this is going to end any other way but with me patching up a broken heart.
“I should go home.” The words have him leaving me lying on the bed as he pulls on boxers.
“Running away again?” He turns with his back to me.
“What?” I sit up and grab the cover to wrap around me.
“You gonna ghost me and not answer my calls again too?”
For a moment I’m too stunned to do anything but then I’m moving, up and off the bed I was just so happy in.
“Ghost you?! Ghost you?! You…ass! You’re the one who ghosted me! You…No! I’m done. I…” I’m so hurt and so angry I can’t see straight. “You’re the one who went off for the weekend to get fucked without your human shield standing in your way.”
He turns cold eyes towards me with a look of disbelief written across his handsome face, “Are you serious?”
I start searching the room for my fucking clothes.
“You…I…” He sputters like that until I find my leggings and jerk them on. I’m halfway out the door before he forms a complete sentence. Guess coming up with lies isn’t as easy for him as it is for everyone else. “I left because I didn’t want to see you go off with some dipshit who you couldn’t wait to fuck!”
“You’re crazy. I’ve never…there hasn’t been…this is just an excuse to lay the blame at my feet and make yourself feel better.”
“I was going to end the tutoring because of it.” He reaches out for my arm but I move so he can’t grab me. “I was wrong. I realize that now.”