Page 8 of Candygrams

Were she not hurt, I would be on her like a beaver on a prime piece of wood - teeth, tongue, paws, and more. But I would never do that now. She's been hurt. She's in pain. I can tell by her scrunched expression in her sleep that her head is still hurting her. I check my watch and take a chance waking her a little earlier to give her the pain meds the hospital gave her.

"Baby, sit up here so you can take these for your head."

I help her sit up, the neckline of my shirt she's got on falls off one of her shoulders leaving a trail of tempting skin for my eyes to follow. "Are you in pain?"

"Little." She hands the glass of water back to me. I set it on the nightstand and turn back to her. I can't stop reaching out and running my finger down the exposed skin to the edge of the tee.

"You need to get some more rest, baby."

"Hmm," I can tell she's not fully awake because instead of telling me not to touch her she actually leans into it. I help her lean back and snuggle under the covers, dropping a kiss on her forehead as I take my seat and set my phone alarm for one more hour.

That is our night right up until five in the morning. This time when I wake her, she doesn't just roll towards me and open her eyes. This time she grabs me and pulls. I've been asleep so I'm not exactly the most stable I've ever been in my life. I catch myself before I fall all the way on top of her.

"Baby, what are you doing?"

"Snuggling." She doesn't open her eyes this time. Instead, she tries to pull me closer. "Work with me here."

I crawl over her and lay down on the other side of her. She moves further into my arms. I know there is something I should be doing but feeling Candy up against me just causes my mind to go blank and makes me want the same thing she’s wanting - snuggles.

The next time I wake up it’s to the sun shining through the curtains and Candy rocking her hips back and forth on me. I lay very still for a few seconds after consciousness returns to me and try to piece together how I ended up where I am.

I remember being pulled into the bed by a very sleepy Candy who wanted to curl up tight with me. Now she's riding me, both legs on either side of my hips and her t-shirt riding up above her waist. My hands are on her hips and for just a second, I wonder if I should move them. I don't want her to wake up and think I tried to take advantage of her. Then again, this may be the safest place for my hands given the fact that she is riding me like I'm a stripper pole.

For the record, I am completely ok with being Candy's stripper pole, but I don't know how much more I can take before I start giving back.

"Candy," My voice is little more than a growl. "Candy. Are you awake?"

There is a moment when she pushes down on my dick, which is already thick and hard for her, and I can tell she may not be wearing underwear. Holy fuck! I move my hands down a little further and over to the swell of her ass. Nothing.

"Candy, why aren't you wearing underwear?"

"Never do while I sleep."

Oh, sweet fucking Lord! I am in so much trouble! "God, Candy, you're driving me crazy." I try to keep my hips still as she slides and glides over the shaft of my cock.

My balls feel like they might explode from this. I move my head so I can try to look down and see her riding my dick but all that does is offer me another temptation. One that I can't fight this time. I take her mouth. I can tell right away that she's more than innocent - this girl's never so much as been kissed. She's a virgin. My virgin.

It's there in the untutored way she moves her hips against me, the lack of finesse when she kisses, the small shivers that rack her body over the slightest touch. I take her mouth with my own and teach her. What I do she does and in that way, we teach each other what the other likes.

"Oh God," she pulls from my lips and gives a stuttering gasp as she works her hips faster and faster on my cock. My boxers are coming further and further down and are soaked with precum. Then she growls - the cutest fucking growl I have ever heard in my life. She's getting frustrated.

"Do you need help, baby?" I whisper in her ear and wait. It doesn't take her long to answer me in the form of a little whimper. "Do you need me to show you how?"


Chapter Seven


I vaguely realize this is not another wet dream when big, warm hands come down to my hips and fingers splay out over the cheeks of my ass. Storm takes over and starts working my hips for me. He adds just the right amount of pressure. He makes my legs want to spread more, to offer him more. I am so close.

Reality and what I dream merge and I can't tell where one begins and the other ends. This might not be a dream, but the feeling is just too much - too good - to stop. He's in control now so all I have to do is focus on the building pleasure centered between my legs.

"Oh God, don't stop." It’s never been like this. Not when I’m by myself. Not when I am alone. Not when I am dreaming of him doing this very thing to me. Never.

I tense up and if it was just me doing it, I wouldn't be able to go any further but I'm not in control. He moves my hips in deep waves that draw out the pressure. My body is about to pop. When I try to throw my head back Storm stops me by pulling my head down to him and covering my mouth with his so that when I do cum, I end up screaming my release into his mouth. Every grunt and moan, every plea and shout ends up being eaten up by him.

Once it’s all over and I can finally think again, the first thing that hits me is embarrassment. Then the full ramifications of what I’ve done hit me. There is no getting out of this. It was Storm's name I was moaning when my body ignited and broke apart in the mind-numbing orgasm - the biggest I have ever had. I'm still twitching from it down there.