Shit. She does. I glance at the clock hanging on the wall. It isn't very late, but I don't want to be a burden on Bonny and her mom either.
"What about Lolly? I could stay with Lolly?"
He hands me the phone like he already knows what will happen when I call her. A wisp of a memory comes back to me about her telling me she's had to go to her family's farm. I'm not sure if she will even pick up or not.
"I...," I think maybe I better stay here. It seems like the safest way out of this.
"She's coming home with me. There she can get the most rest and she has two people that will look after her, me and Aunt Mini."
I...I think I'm going home with him.
Chapter Six
I run around the car to help Candy out of her seat. Thank God I took Aunt Mini's car and not my truck with me today. She's trying to get out before I can reach her. Independent little thing! Mini steps out on the porch just as I reach in and unclasp her seatbelt. I lift her out of the car to carry her into my home. It doesn’t escape me that I am carrying her like I would a bride.
"Oh the poor thing!" Mini flutters around us and holds the door open wider for me when I bring her in. "I hate hospitals."
I sit Candy down on the couch and step back so Mini can fuss over her. "I made dinner. I doubt you could have eaten yet given when you had your accident."
"Oh, thank you. I'm really not very hungry."
Mini straightens and gives me a look. I know what that look means. It means we are about to do whatever it takes to make sure Candy is healthy and happy, which means she is going to eat before she goes to bed tonight. Sure enough, as soon as I take a seat right beside Candy, Mini is flitting off to bring her something to eat.
We sit in the room in silence for a couple of minutes. I'm giving Candy time to look around and I'm sure Candy is thinking of ways to leave before the night is over, "Your aunt has a very beautiful house." Before I can answer, Mini is bustling in with a huge tray.
"Oh, it’s not mine, dear. It's Storm's."
"Ours." I correct her.
Mini chuckles and goes on like I didn't say anything, "The big house is where Storm stays. I have a little apartment out back near the pool. I love using that bad boy in the morning and evening. All of this is Storm's, I just stay around to make sure he doesn't work too hard and to watch after him."
"So tell me, how did you come to be in our small town?" Mini sits on the other side of Candy in a high-backed chair. The food on the table is light and seems to be comprised of fruits, bread, and cheeses. Mini keeps her talking as I pick up a wedge of cantaloupe and eat one. I pick up another but this one I offer to Candy.
At first, she doesn't know what to do with the offered fruit. Mini reaches for the platter and takes one for herself asking another question to distract her. Eventually, she opens her mouth allowing me to pop the wedge of fruit in her mouth. And then another one. I try the cheese next pairing it with some soft bread, so she doesn't have to chew very hard and risk hurting her head.
By the time she's finished eating most of the food, I've learned that the mixing bowl that broke is fairly expensive and that Candy is worried about replacing it. I make a mental note to order one before I go to sleep tonight. She also talks to my aunt about how anxious she is about opening the store and being a success right off the bat and about how she feels responsible for the girls because of their age.
Once everything has been eaten and my aunt and I are sure Candy is full, I stand signaling that it’s time to let Candy rest. I scoop her up in my arms and make my way over to the stairs. On the way up she mumbles something that I don't quite catch. When I ask her to repeat it, she surprises me by leaning her head on my shoulder showing me how tired she is.
"I don't have any clothes here."
"You can borrow a shirt and a pair of my boxers."
I gently place her on the bed and go to find her clothes hoping she won't think it's suspicious that my clothes are in the very room I brought her to stay in. Yeah, I took her to my room. She’ll sleep in my bed when she's in my house - even if I'm not in it. She’s the first woman to ever be in my bed and she will be the last.
I leave her with the reassurance that I will be back in thirty minutes to make sure she got in bed alright and she's responsive to me. I make my way to the office I use on this level and try to keep my mind off of the fact the woman I want is just doors down. Mini finds me there once the alarm I set on my phone goes off.
"I love her. She's adorable."
"I thought you might. She is something special."
She gives me a grin before walking with me to the room Mini is sure I put her in - mine. At the door she kisses me on the cheek, "I'll be close if you need me or if you need a break, but something tells me you've got this."
I go to check on Candy and rouse her. She's slow to come to but eventually her eyes open. "You alright, baby."
"Hmm," she nods. I talk to her a little bit more before going to do some more work. Once I finish up, I go back to the bedroom and pull an armchair up close to the bed. Candy is sleeping soundly with one leg thrown over the covers. I follow the line of her bare leg all the way up before shifting in my seat and trying to find a comfortable place for my cock trapped in my pants. The milky skin, the round curves, the thought of her wrapping those legs around me and riding me, all have my dick throbbing like a fucking toothache.