Page 50 of Candygrams

“What are you up to?” I ask before he can exit the room.

Tandy turns and hops off her stool before coming over and giving him a hug. He hugs her back, in fact, he picks her up and swings her around like he’s done since she was four. But something is off, and he’s not meeting her eyes like he normally would. Tandy picks up on it too.

“Gray, what did you do?”

“Now why do you think I did something, sis?” I love it when he calls her sis. And I love how he is with her. She still has a room here even though she’s in college.

“Uh, because I know you. And you're sus as hell.”

“She’s right, love. You are sus.” Once again, I have my sister’s back. Mostly because I also agree. Grayson is acting suspicious as crap.

Gray stands taller and looks like he’s not going to break but me and my sister both put our hand on our hip and give him a cocked eyebrow.

“Fine. I went to check this boy out.”

“Boy? Oh no! No, no, no. You didn’t. Gray, tell me you didn’t.” Tandy looks horrified.

Now he looks down and acts all sheepish. Maybe he should have led with that look.

“It’s my job to take care of you and your sister. I heard about you tutoring a jock and wanted to check the little shit out.”

“Mom told you.” I give his secret away.

He reluctantly nods for us.

The baby monitor lights up and we hear one of the smaller kids in the nursery start to stir. Before me or Gray can start for the door, Tandy is up.

“I’ll go take care of them.” She turns around and points to Gray. “But don’t think this is over, Gray.”

She disappears through the door and in less than a minute we hear her cooing to one of the babies and asking our four-year-old how her nap was.

Gray comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me as I finish putting the casserole in the oven. He came home at lunch and made me take a nap while he put the rest of our children down for theirs. The nanny we hired has the day off.

“You know you don’t have to do that. I would have cooked. You should be resting with your feet up, my love.”

“It was easy, and I had some time on my hands waiting for you to come home to me.” He snuggles into my neck and drops kisses there. “You know, Tandy can watch the babies for a little while.”

“Oh yeah? Does my Bunny need some sweet love?” The knowing look of mischief in his eyes tells me he doesn’t need me to tell him yes.

I turn in his arms and give him a very firm nod. “It turns me on when you go all Father mode and take care of all of us.”

“It’s my greatest privilege and highest calling.” He drops kisses on my cheeks as he speaks. “And the joy of my life.”

I bring my hand up to touch the side of his face and offer him sweet kisses. I love this man more than I ever have. Not just because he treats me like a queen and protects the people we love most, but because he never fails to see me. My fears, my dreams, the future I want, the secrets I keep nestled deep in my heart, Grayson sees all of those things and more.

Before him, I always thought I was invisible. Not that Candy and Lolly didn’t give me all the love and support I could ever ask for. But with them, and my mom and Tandy, I always felt like I was keeping worries away from them to protect them, to take care of them. Grayson takes care of me and lets me take care of him…a true partnership that brings me so much happiness and fulfillment.

My mind empties as Gray’s kisses turn deeper and more desperate -for both of us.

He lifts me in his arms and carries me, great big and pregnant like I don’t weigh a thing, to our room. The way he lays me gently on the bed causes my heart to stutter and beat quicker and my body turns heavy and languid, ready for him to make love to me. He doesn’t keep me waiting; we both realize our time is limited so he flips my dress up and pulls the top part of it down so my breasts are in full view.

He runs kisses down my body until he comes to my baby bump which is more of a hill now instead of a bump. He runs his hands over the swell and looks at me as if I am the most beautiful woman in the world. Our little one kicks from inside me saying hi to his dad. Even from inside my tummy they already have a bond. It was like that with all of our babies though; they all love their dad.

But no one loves him as much as I do. I spread my legs to show him without telling him I want this, and he takes one long swipe through my sticky center. It doesn’t take him long to send me flying high with my first orgasm. I’m always like this when I’m pregnant, and it never takes him long to send me to that magical place.

He slips inside of me and both of us moan out in pleasure. It's always like this with Grayson, whether it is a quickie or he takes all night, the man knows how to love me just right. And we always fit together perfectly, his long, thick length plugging me up in the most perfect of ways. He drops his hand between us and starts to rub the bundle of nerves that always sends me right over the edge. Even though I am almost blinded by passion I still feel him come inside of me, his love splashing against the back of my sex.

Afterwards, we hold each other and whisper words of love with me telling him how thankful I am I have him, how lucky I am that he wants me too. I make sure to tell him how much I love him every day because loving Grayson is the sweetest treat of all!!!