Page 5 of Candygrams

"I would argue that your sweet little ass is right where it's supposed to be. I can't think of anything sweeter. Now lay back."

"Storm," her using my first name is enough to tell me we have to go see someone about her head, "please."

"Just lay back for me, little one." She keeps her eyes on me for a long time but eventually, she does as I ask. I run my hands up her arms and legs noting the little shivers that follow where my hands lead. Then I move in closer. Her legs are spread around my hips and I'm standing right in the middle of her sweet thighs as I slowly lower my hands to her waist and make my way up.

"Hey, hey, hey, what do you think you're doing?"

"I'm checking your ribs."

"I can do that. You don't have to."

"Shh, you need to just lay and let me make sure you're not in immediate danger." I go over every one of the ribs I can touch ending with my hands below her breasts. I take the opportunity to cup the underside of them and test their weight with my hands. The entire time I check her I make sure to maintain eye contact with her. So when her eyes widen and she sucks in a breath I can tell right away. I'm affecting her just like she's affecting me.

I lean over her on the counter and bring my face close to hers. "Candy," her little tongue comes out to lick her lips as her eyes fall to mine, "I'm taking you to the hospital."

"What?" Her eyebrows lower as she tries to keep up with my words and not my actions, "No."

"I can drive you there or I can call an ambulance. It's up to you darlin', but either way, you're going."


Chapter Five


I'm so fucking embarrassed. Of all the people who could have found me it had to be Storm. I could have regained consciousness moments before and no one would have ever known how bad that fall really was but no, I had to wait until Storm was standing over me to come back to.

It doesn't help that the entire ride here he had to keep me from falling asleep. I'm so achy and confused and sleepy that all I want to do is lay for a minute with my eyes closed. And Storm won't let me. I'm well aware it's not a good thing for me to sleep right now but that doesn't make the urge any less desirable.

Then once we're at the hospital and are taken back to a room, the stupid doctor starts hitting on me.

"And who do we have here? Such a lovely patient."

I roll my eyes but regret it right away. I have to grab my head and lay back on the propped-up pillows or risk being sick.

"She's taken and you need to keep your stethoscope in your pocket."

Wait, did Storm just tell this douche nozzle I'm taken? Thinking hurts my head too bad to actually process that statement through. I'm sure I'll be pissed once I can think about it but for now, all I want to do is not think.

"And you are...?" God what an absolute bastard of a human being this guy is.

Storm turns back to me and leans over me, "Hey baby, I need you to stay awake for me while I step out for just a minute and talk to the doctor. Can you promise me you won't go to sleep?"

I would nod but I'll throw up if I do so I just agree with him. "Sure."

He yanks the doctor out by the arm. Something tells me he’s not just going to talk over what happened to me. I listen hard to try and hear what’s being said but that just hurts my head more. I have no idea how long Storm was gone but when he comes back he has a new doctor with him - a female doctor.

"Hello Candy. Storm tells me you had a fall. Can you tell me a little about what happened?"

Storm? Since when does a doctor call someone by their first name? Well, who’s not the patient of course? Is she one of his many train cars? I don't need this shit. Not when I feel as bad as I do right now.

"Where’s the first doctor?"

The doctor looks a little uncomfortable and slides her eyes over to Storm. "Oh well, he had other patients who needed his immediate attention."

I bet he did. The thought of Storm going to find this woman so she could come be my doctor just makes my stomach roll. If he wants to see his boxcars, he needs to do it on his own time. I can't even believe that he would go hunt someone down to flirt with after spending two weeks flirting with me. What a dog! What a bastard!

"Can we just get this over with?" I hear how snippy my voice sounds. I try to tell myself that it’s not her fault. She can't help it that Storm is a complete dick. Hell, she might not even know.