Page 49 of Candygrams

“You’ve been crying.” God, I love this man. All the worries, anxiousness, and stresses of the day just melt away when I am in his arms.

“Happy tears,” I tell him. “I think all three of us were crying happy tears. I never thought in my whole life that I would meet someone as wonderful as you. You make my whole world perfect by just being in it.”

“That’s a hell of a wedding vow, Bunny. And one I feel the same about. I knew as soon as I stepped in the room that day and caught the scent of your sweetness, I was going to make you mine, but I was worried as fuck I was going to fail. And you were too damned important to let get away.”

“Silly man, all you had to do was show me that dick,” I whisper the last word and blush something fierce. It turns Gray on that he can make me say bad words.

“Oh, bunny, you did not just… that’s it! I have to have you! Waited too long as it is!”

He only ate me this morning and wouldn’t let me do anything to him - his way of keeping the tradition of not seeing one another before the wedding. But I knew I could get him right where I wanted him and all it took was one bad word. I giggle as he goes for his pants and open my robe to show him the sexy things I have on underneath complete with a little growing bump that's barely visible. He picks me up and lays me on the bed as his mouth starts making love to my body.

Sometimes… being bad can be so, so sweet!

Bonus Epilogue


Fifteen Years Later

As soon as my sister hits the room, I know she’s got something weighing her down. She won’t tell my mom. Ever since my sister started middle school - and all the drama that goes with it - I have been the one she comes to, the one who helps her think through things, or gives her hugs when some idiot has broken her heart. It’s not that she doesn’t love our mom or share with her. It’s just me and Tandy have always been protective of our mom, never wanting to bring more stress to her than she already has day in and day out as an ER nurse.

“Hello, sweetheart. How’s college?”

Tandy is in her second year of college at the university a town over. She’s also helping more and more in our little bakery/candy shop which makes me happy since I don’t get to see her as much as I would like too. I know Gray loves when she comes over for a visit too but I’ve not seen him since I woke up from my nap. I’m seven months pregnant with our seventh -and maybe last- baby. The last two pregnancies have been…stressful, especially for Gray. I had preeclampsia and had to have a lot of time after to heal and let my body rest. I’ve just got to bring our little man here safe and then I’ll say I’m done. That doesn’t mean I’ll be okay about it. I was hoping for twins like Lolly had, damn it. But alas, it wasn’t to be. Doesn’t mean I’m not going to be the best aunt to Renna and Roanan.

“It’s…right now, it sucks!”

My sister’s voice pulls me back into the present.

“It sucks? Why does it suck? Not feeling your classes this semester?”

“No. It’s…HIM!” Him? Now that sounds interesting. Him who I wonder? Before I can ask her, she is going on, “A stupid jock! He’s driving me crazy, Bon!”

“Where did you meet him? I don’t recall you being very into sports.”

My heart starts thumping a little too fast. The last time Tandy had a crush on a boy who played sports it did not end well. We’re talking chocolate ice cream for dinner for a week. I don’t want to see her go through that again.

“His coach met our mother when one of the players hurt themselves and she talked me up making it seem like I was the smartest person in the world, and she just happens to drop that I make extra money by tutoring. So, a couple of days later I get a call from this guy. Apparently, he has a player that isn’t doing so well…in any of his classes.”

“And he wants you to tutor him?” I guess, but it would seem I guess right. Tandy gives me a defeated nod. “And you don’t want to do it.”

I get another head shake.

“No, I don’t want to do it, but…he’s offering a lot of money, Bonbon. I can’t turn him down. But I don’t want to put up with a jock for the rest of the year either.”

“And there’s no…worries he might be like…” I try not to say the jerk's name and walk around whether or not she might get her heart broken again,

“What?” She tilts her head but then realization lights her eyes. “God, no! No, no, no! Believe me, I learned my lesson, sis. I don’t need any of that heartache again.”

Seeing Tandy heartbroken was horrible, just awful.

“There is no chance I am going to…no! Not with him!”

“Okay, sweetheart. I just want to make sure you are alright. If you want advice…,” I leave it hanging until she gives me a nod, “I would take the money and make his life miserable. But I might be biased on which side of the fight I’m going to be on.”

Since it is always going to be her side. I have my sister’s back and always will. My words cause a smile to break across her face and suddenly the world is better again. I smile back at her until movement catches my eye. Coming through the door is none other than my sweet husband. I glance at the clock on the wall and turn to look back at him. It’s a little early for him to be finished at work.

And what’s even more suspicious is the look he gets on his face when he sees Tandy. It’s a look that clearly says ‘oh, crap’. Not a look Grayson carries around a lot of times.