“She’s always got something good to eat.”
I run my eyes up and down the tiny redhead before I speak again, “I bet she does.”
I bet she has something I would like to eat all day, every day. The fact this little thing doesn’t flirt back makes me start to wonder.
“How old are you, princess?”
“I’m four but I’m about to be five soon.” The little girl, who is fucking adorable, answers without hesitation.
“And how old is your sister?”
“She’s nineteen.” Oh, thank God! Now I don’t have to be a total perv when it comes to getting this girl to be mine. Nineteen is a lot younger than I am but at least it’s legal.
I focus on the young girl sitting up in the big black chair like a mini adult. Some adults don’t do as well and I tell her as much as I finish putting the drops in her eyes to dilate them. I should go out and see other patients, but I don’t.
“So, you work at a candy store?” I wonder how many of those are in town and how long it would take me to find the one she works at.
“It’s a bakery and candy store. It’s actually not open yet. But soon.”
Damn, that means I can’t come in and see her. Well, not subtly anyway. Not that I’ve ever been accused of being subtle when I’ve wanted something.
“Oh yeah? When will you be opening?”
“We’ll probably be open in the next few weeks”
“We?” Even if she has a boyfriend it won’t stop me. I’ve already checked out her ring finger and there isn’t so much as a hint of a ring being on it. No tan line. No indention. She isn’t married. Not that even that would stop me.
“Me and my two friends, Lilly and Candy.”
I breathe a little easier knowing it isn’t a boyfriend or fiancé. “Do they make candy too?”
“Oh um, Lilly does but Candy sticks to baking mostly.”
Not a man in sight unless Candy is the stage name of a drag queen working the ovens before she works the runway. I wouldn't judge. Not one little bit. “I have to admit, I have a big sweet tooth.”
I drag my eyes up and down her again. She blushes but doesn’t flirt back. “I imagine you have a lot of men out there with a sweet tooth, don’t you?”
“Oh,” her brows wrinkle, “well, um, hopefully, both men and women are going to want to stop by and grab some of our sweets.”
“I would love to grab some of your sweets, where are you all located?”
My words are starting to confuse her. I’m not subtle. “Oh, um, we’re four stores down.” She points like I can see past the wall. Holy shit, did she really just say she was so close to me I could literary walk to her anytime I needed a taste of her sweet pussy?
“Really? Convenient for me anytime I need to fill my mouth with something good, huh.”
One of the assistants knocks and then comes in and I find myself pissed that I’m being interrupted from spending further time with this sweet treat. I am less than nice when she tries her crap right in front of the woman I am trying to make mine. I need to have Debbie fire her ass and hire someone new.
“Doctor, you're needed in room four.” She puts on that phony voice that she thinks makes her sound sexy. In reality, she just sounds like she’s out of breath - that the walk down the hall might have worn her out.
“If you’ll excuse me, ladies. I’ll be back in shortly.”
I make my way out of the room and into room four. The room is empty. I turn just in time to see the woman close the door behind her. “I’ve noticed your problem.” She lowers her eyes at my rapidly deflating cock. “I can help you with it real quick. You don’t have to be embarrassed or ashamed.”
“Embarrassed? What the hell would I have to be embarrassed about?” She looks kind of shocked but lowers her eyes and finally notices that my dick isn’t hard anymore. “This isn’t for you. And if you don’t open that door, I’m going to make sure you never work in this profession again.”
She seems utterly shocked at my words. “I just… I thought… you were…”
“Not for you. I couldn’t get it hard if I had a roll of duct tape and popsicle sticks for you. You just took me away from the thing that made me hard, you meddling… woman.”